adverb OPAL W
- It is a little cheaper than other similarly sized cars.
- He has a similarly impressive record in the sport.
- Husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers.
- The different groups of women in the study responded similarly.
- All sections of society were similarly affected by the war.
- similarly to somebody/something Phosphorus behaves similarly to nitrogen.
- The United States won most of the track and field events. Similarly, in swimming, the top three places went to Americans.
Language Bank similarlysimilarlyMaking comparisons- This chart provides a comparison of the ways that teenage boys and girls in the UK spend their free time.
- In many cases, the results for boys and girls are virtually the same/identical.
- In many cases, the results for boys are virtually the same as/identical to the results for girls.
- Both boys and girls spend the bulk of their free time with friends.
- Most of the boys do more than two hours of sport a week, as do many of the girls.
- Like many of the girls, most of the boys spend a large part of their free time using the internet.
- The girls particularly enjoy using social networking websites. Similarly, nearly all the boys said they spent at least two to three hours a week on these sites.