

Verb Endings for accredit Verb Endings for accrue Verb Endings for accumulate Verb Endings for accuse Verb Endings for accustom to
Verb Endings for ache Verb Endings for achieve Verb Endings for acidify Verb Endings for acknowledge Verb Endings for acquaint with
Verb Endings for acquiesce Verb Endings for acquire Verb Endings for acquit Verb Endings for action Verb Endings for activate
Verb Endings for actuate Verb Endings for adapt Verb Endings for add Verb Endings for addle Verb Endings for address
Verb Endings for adduce Verb Endings for adhere Verb Endings for adjoin Verb Endings for adjourn Verb Endings for adjudge
Verb Endings for adjudicate Verb Endings for adjure Verb Endings for adjust Verb Endings for ad-lib Verb Endings for administer
Verb Endings for admire Verb Endings for admit Verb Endings for admonish Verb Endings for adopt Verb Endings for adore
Verb Endings for adorn Verb Endings for adulterate Verb Endings for adumbrate Verb Endings for advance Verb Endings for advertise
Verb Endings for advise Verb Endings for advocate Verb Endings for aerate Verb Endings for affect Verb Endings for affiliate
Verb Endings for affirm Verb Endings for affix Verb Endings for afflict Verb Endings for afford Verb Endings for afforest
Verb Endings for affront Verb Endings for age Verb Endings for aggravate Verb Endings for aggregate Verb Endings for agitate
Verb Endings for agonize over/about Verb Endings for agree Verb Endings for aid Verb Endings for ail Verb Endings for aim
Verb Endings for air Verb Endings for airbrush Verb Endings for air-kiss Verb Endings for alert Verb Endings for alienate
Verb Endings for alight Verb Endings for align Verb Endings for allay Verb Endings for allege Verb Endings for alleviate
Verb Endings for allocate Verb Endings for allot Verb Endings for allow Verb Endings for alloy Verb Endings for allude to
Verb Endings for ally to/with Verb Endings for alter Verb Endings for alternate Verb Endings for amalgamate Verb Endings for amass
Verb Endings for amaze Verb Endings for amble Verb Endings for ambush Verb Endings for ameliorate Verb Endings for amend
Verb Endings for americanize Verb Endings for amortize Verb Endings for amount to Verb Endings for amplify Verb Endings for amputate
Verb Endings for amuse Verb Endings for analyse Verb Endings for anchor Verb Endings for anger Verb Endings for angle
Verb Endings for anglicize Verb Endings for animate Verb Endings for anneal Verb Endings for annex Verb Endings for annihilate
Verb Endings for annotate Verb Endings for announce Verb Endings for annoy Verb Endings for annul Verb Endings for anodize
Verb Endings for anoint Verb Endings for answer Verb Endings for antagonize Verb Endings for antedate Verb Endings for ante up
Verb Endings for anticipate Verb Endings for ape Verb Endings for apologize Verb Endings for appal Verb Endings for appeal
Verb Endings for appear Verb Endings for appease Verb Endings for append Verb Endings for appertain to Verb Endings for applaud
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