

turn sth in turn sth on turn sth on its head turn sth out turn (sth) over
turn sth over turn sth over to sb turn sth/sb down turn (sth) to sth turn sth to sth
turn sth up turn (sth) upside down turn sth upside down turnstile turntable
turn tail turn the clock back turn the corner turn the other cheek turn the spotlight on sth
turn the tables on sb turn to dust turn to jelly turn to sb/sth turn to sth
turn up turn-up turn-up for the book turn-up for the book(s) turn-up for the books
turn upside down turn up (somewhere) turn up somewhere turn/use sth to good account turn your ankle
turn your attention(s) to sth/sb turn your attentions to sth/sb turn your attention to sth/sb turn your back on sb turn your back on sth
turn your hand to sth turn your nose up turpentine turpitude turquoise
turret turreted turtle turtle dove turtleneck
turves tush tusk tussle tussle with sth
tut tutelage tutor tutorial tut-tut
tutu tu-whit tu-whoo tuxedo TV TV dinner
twaddle twain twang 'twas twat
tweak twee tweed tweeds tweedy
tween tweenager tweet tweeter tweezers
twelfth twelfth man Twelfth Night twelve twelve-tone
twenties twentieth twenty twenty-first twenty-first birthday
twenty-four-hour clock twenty-four seven twenty-twenty vision 'twere twerp
twice twiddle twiddle your thumbs twiddly twig
twilight twilight years twilight zone twilit twill
twin twin bed twin-bedded twine twinge
twining twinkle twinkling twinset twin town
twirl twirler twirling twirly twirp
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