

单词 ↑Confidence and self-assurance
释义 ↑Confidence and self-assurance
Confidence and self-assurance
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 4 SL ↑♯ Confidence and self-assurance (364) in total
    1. (as) bold as brass ↑(as) bold as brass
    2. (as) clear as day ↑(as) clear as day
    3. (as) proud as Lucifer ↑(as) proud as Lucifer
    4. (as) sure as eggs is eggs UK OLD-FASHIONED ↑(as) sure as eggs is eggs
    5. (there's) no two ways about it. ↑(there's) no two ways about it.
    6. a cut above ↑a cut above
    7. above adverb, preposition (TOO IMPORTANT) ↑above
    8. airs and graces ↑airs and graces
    9. amour propre noun [U] LITERARY ↑amour propre
    10. and that's flat! UK INFORMAL ↑and that's flat!
    11. aplomb noun [U] ↑aplomb
    12. arrogant adjective ↑arrogant
    13. as if you owned the place UK (US like you owned the place) DISAPPROVING ↑as if you owned the place
    14. assertive adjective ↑assertive
    15. assurance noun [U] (CONFIDENCE) ↑assurance
    16. assure verb [T] (MAKE CERTAIN) ↑assure
    17. assured adjective (ALSO ˌself-asˈsured) (CONFIDENT) ↑assured
    18. assured adjective (CERTAIN) ↑assured
    19. assuredly adverb (CERTAINLY) ↑assuredly
    20. assuredly adverb (CONFIDENTLY) ↑assuredly
    21. asˈsertiveness ˌtraining noun [U] ↑assertiveness training
    22. at one with the world ↑at one with the world
    23. attitude noun [U] (CONFIDENCE) ↑attitude
    24. be in the bag INFORMAL ↑be in the bag
    25. be no mistaking sth ↑be no mistaking sth
    26. be on to a good thing INFORMAL ↑be on to a good thing
    27. be too clever by half ↑be too clever by half
    28. be up yourself UK SLANG ↑be up yourself
    29. beneath your dignity ↑beneath your dignity
    30. beyond a shadow of a doubt ↑beyond a shadow of a doubt
    31. bigheaded adjective DISAPPROVING ↑bigheaded
    32. black-and-white ↑black-and-white
    33. bold adjective (NOT SHY) ↑bold
    34. bombastic adjective ↑bombastic
    35. bound adjective (CERTAIN) ↑bound
    36. brash adjective DISAPPROVING ↑brash
    37. brass noun [U] UK INFORMAL (CONFIDENCE) ↑brass
    38. brazen sth outphrasal verb with brazen verb ↑brazen sth out
    39. breezy adjective (HAPPY) ↑breezy
    40. bullish adjective (ATTITUDE) ↑bullish
    41. bumptious adjective DISAPPROVING ↑bumptious
    42. buoyant adjective (HAPPY) ↑buoyant
    43. carved in stone INFORMAL ↑carved in stone
    44. categorical adjective ↑categorical
    45. cert noun [C usually singular] UK INFORMAL ↑cert
    46. certain adjective (EXTREMELY LIKELY) ↑certain
    47. certain adjective (WITHOUT DOUBT) ↑certain :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    48. certainly adverb (EXTREMELY LIKELY) ↑certainly
    49. certainly adverb (IN NO DOUBT) ↑certainly :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance :: 2 × Certainty
    50. certainty noun (IN NO DOUBT) ↑certainty :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    51. certitude noun [U] FORMAL ↑certitude :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    52. clear adjective (CERTAIN) ↑clear
    53. cock a snook at sb/sth UK ↑cock a snook at sb/sth
    54. cocksure adjective INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑cocksure
    55. cocky adjective INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑cocky
    56. come/get (down) off your high horse ↑come/get (down) off your high horse
    57. complacency noun [U] (ALSO complacence) disapproving ↑complacency
    58. complacent adjective DISAPPROVING ↑complacent
    59. conceited adjective DISAPPROVING ↑conceited
    60. conclusive adjective ↑conclusive
    61. conclusively adverb ↑conclusively
    62. concrete adjective ↑concrete
    63. condescend to sbphrasal verb with condescend verb USUALLY HUMOROUS ↑condescend to sb
    64. condescending adjective DISAPPROVING ↑condescending
    65. confidence noun [U] (CERTAINTY) ↑confidence
    66. confident adjective ↑confident
    67. consider it done ↑consider it done
    68. content adjective [after verb] ↑content
    69. convinced adjective ↑convinced :: 2 × Showing arrogance and conceit :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    70. decided adjective [before noun] FORMAL ↑decided
    71. decidedly adverb ↑decidedly
    72. definite adjective ↑definite
    73. definite noun [C] INFORMAL ↑definite
    74. definitely adverb ↑definitely
    75. definitive adjective ↑definitive :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance :: 2 × Certainty
    76. delusions of grandeur ↑delusions of grandeur
    77. dignity noun [U] ↑dignity
    78. dogmatic adjective DISAPPROVING ↑dogmatic
    79. dogmatism noun [U] DISAPPROVING ↑dogmatism
    80. dogmatist noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑dogmatist
    81. doubtless adverb FORMAL ↑doubtless
    82. easily adverb (CERTAINLY) ↑easily
    83. ego noun [C] ↑ego :: 3 × Science of psychology and psychoanalysis :: 3 × Mind and personality
    84. egocentric adjective ↑egocentric
    85. egotistic (ALSO egotistical, ) adjective ↑egotistic
    86. ensure (US ALSO insure) verb [T] ↑ensure
    87. firm adjective (CERTAIN) ↑firm
    88. firmly adverb (CERTAINLY) ↑firmly
    89. firmness noun [U] (CERTAINTY) ↑firmness
    90. flat adjective [before noun] (COMPLETE) ↑flat
    91. foredoomed adjective LITERARY ↑foredoomed
    92. forward adjective DISAPPROVING (CONFIDENT) ↑forward
    93. forwardness noun [U] DISAPPROVING ↑forwardness
    94. fresh adjective INFORMAL (TOO CONFIDENT) ↑fresh
    95. get on your high horse ↑get on your high horse
    96. given adjective (ARRANGED) ↑given
    97. given noun [C] ↑given
    98. gloat noun [C usually singular] ↑gloat
    99. gloat verb [I] ↑gloat
    100. guarantee verb [T] (MAKE CERTAIN) ↑guarantee :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance :: 2 × Certainty
    101. hard adjective [before noun] (CLEAR) ↑hard
    102. haughty adjective DISAPPROVING ↑haughty
    103. have a good run for your money ↑have a good run for your money
    104. have a lot to say for yourself INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑have a lot to say for yourself
    105. have it on the highest authority FORMAL ↑have it on the highest authority
    106. high and mighty DISAPPROVING ↑high and mighty
    107. highfalutin adjective INFORMAL ↑highfalutin
    108. hoity-toity adjective INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑hoity-toity
    109. hold your head (up) high ↑hold your head (up) high
    110. immodest adjective FORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑immodest
    111. imperious adjective ↑imperious
    112. inadequacy noun ↑inadequacy
    113. inadequate adjective ↑inadequate
    114. incontestable adjective FORMAL ↑incontestable
    115. incontrovertible adjective FORMAL ↑incontrovertible
    116. indeed adverb ↑indeed
    117. indisputable adjective ↑indisputable
    118. indubitable adjective FORMAL ↑indubitable
    119. infra dig adjective [after verb] UK OLD-FASHIONED ↑infra dig
    120. inviolable adjective FORMAL ↑inviolable
    121. ironclad adjective [usually before noun] ↑ironclad
    122. irrefutable adjective FORMAL ↑irrefutable
    123. know your own mind ↑know your own mind
    124. know all the answers MAINLY DISAPPROVING ↑know all the answers
    125. lock noun [C] US INFORMAL (DEFINITE EVENT) ↑lock
    126. lofty adjective (IDEAS) ↑lofty
    127. lordly adjective ↑lordly
    128. make no mistake about it ↑make no mistake about it
    129. morale noun [U] ↑morale
    130. narcissist noun [C] ↑narcissist
    131. natch adverb HUMOROUS INFORMAL ↑natch
    132. nose in the air ↑nose in the air
    133. officious adjective DISAPPROVING ↑officious
    134. opinionated adjective DISAPPROVING ↑opinionated
    135. overbearing adjective DISAPPROVING ↑overbearing
    136. overweening adjective [before noun] FORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑overweening
    137. panache noun [U] ↑panache
    138. patronize DISAPPROVING (UK USUALLY patronise) verb [T] (ACT SUPERIOR) ↑patronize
    139. patronizing (UK USUALLY patronising) adjective ↑patronizing
    140. poise noun [U] APPROVING ↑poise
    141. polished adjective (SKILLED) ↑polished
    142. pompous adjective DISAPPROVING ↑pompous
    143. portentous adjective ↑portentous
    144. positive adjective (CERTAIN) ↑positive
    145. positively adverb (CERTAINLY) ↑positively
    146. pride yourself on sthphrasal verb with pride verb ↑pride yourself on sth
    147. pride noun (SATISFACTION) ↑pride
    148. pride noun [U] (RESPECT FOR YOURSELF) ↑pride
    149. pronounced adjective ↑pronounced
    150. proud adjective APPROVING (RESPECTING YOURSELF) ↑proud
    151. proud adjective DISAPPROVING (FEELING IMPORTANT) ↑proud
    152. proudly adverb ↑proudly :: 2 × Showing arrogance and conceit :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    153. pump sb up INFORMALphrasal verb with pump verb ↑pump sb up
    154. put your shirt on sth UK INFORMAL ↑put your shirt on sth
    155. put on the dog US INFORMAL ↑put on the dog
    156. rakish adjective OLD-FASHIONED ↑rakish
    157. really adverb (NOT IMAGINARY) ↑really
    158. rest on your laurels ↑rest on your laurels
    159. sassy adjective MAINLY US INFORMAL ↑sassy
    160. sated adjective FORMAL ↑sated
    161. satiate verb [T often passive] FORMAL ↑satiate
    162. satisfaction noun ↑satisfaction :: 3 × Showing arrogance and conceit :: 3 × Satisfied and complacent :: 3 × Confidence and self-assurance
    163. satisfied adjective (WANTING) ↑satisfied
    164. secure adjective (CONFIDENT) ↑secure
    165. security noun [U] (CONFIDENCE) ↑security
    166. sententious adjective FORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑sententious
    167. set/put the seal on sth ↑set/put the seal on sth
    168. shall STRONG WEAK modal verb (CERTAINLY WILL) ↑shall
    169. signed and sealed (ALSO signed, sealed, and delivered) ↑signed and sealed
    170. smart alec (ALSO smart aleck) noun [C] INFORMAL ↑smart alec
    171. smarty-pants noun [C] INFORMAL ↑smarty-pants
    172. smug adjective DISAPPROVING ↑smug :: 2 × Showing arrogance and conceit :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    173. smugly adverb DISAPPROVING ↑smugly :: 2 × Showing arrogance and conceit :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    174. sniff verb ↑sniff
    175. snooty adjective INFORMAL ↑snooty
    176. snotty adjective (PERSON) ↑snotty
    177. solid adjective (CERTAIN) ↑solid
    178. solidity noun [U] (ALSO solidness) (CERTAIN) ↑solidity
    179. solidly adverb (CONTINUOUS) ↑solidly
    180. squarely adverb (ALSO square) (DIRECTLY) ↑squarely
    181. stand on your dignity USUALLY DISAPPROVING ↑stand on your dignity
    182. stand/walk tall ↑stand/walk tall
    183. supercilious adjective DISAPPROVING ↑supercilious
    184. superior adjective (BETTER) ↑superior
    185. sure adjective ↑sure
    186. sure adverb INFORMAL ↑sure
    187. surefire adjective [before noun] INFORMAL ↑surefire
    188. surefooted adjective (CONFIDENT) ↑surefooted
    189. surely adverb ↑surely
    190. sureness noun [U] ↑sureness
    191. swanky adjective ↑swanky
    192. talk down to sbphrasal verb with talk verb [I] ↑talk down to sb
    193. that'll do nicely ↑that'll do nicely
    194. the big I am INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑the big I am
    195. the die is cast ↑the die is cast
    196. think the (whole) world revolves around you DISAPPROVING ↑think the (whole) world revolves around you
    197. this is the life! INFORMAL ↑this is the life!
    198. throw your weight around/about DISAPPROVING ↑throw your weight around/about
    199. to be sure FORMAL ↑to be sure
    200. too big for your boots UK (US too big for your britches) INFORMAL ↑too big for your boots
    201. triumphalism noun [U] DISAPPROVING ↑triumphalism
    202. unanswerable adjective FORMAL (CLEARLY TRUE) ↑unanswerable
    203. unarguable adjective ↑unarguable
    204. unassailable adjective ↑unassailable
    205. undeniable adjective ↑undeniable
    206. undisputed adjective ↑undisputed
    207. undoubted adjective [usually before noun] ↑undoubted
    208. unequivocal adjective ↑unequivocal
    209. unquestionable adjective ↑unquestionable
    210. unreserved adjective FORMAL ↑unreserved
    211. uppity adjective INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑uppity
    212. vain adjective (SELFISH) ↑vain
    213. watertight adjective (NO DOUBTS) ↑watertight
    214. you can bet your life (ALSO you can bet your bottom dollar) ↑you can bet your life
    215. ˈclever-ˌclever adjective UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑clever-clever
    216. ˈjob satisˌfaction noun [U] ↑job satisfaction
    217. ˈknow-all noun [C] UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (US ˈknow-it-all) ↑know-all
    218. ˈsmart ˌmouth noun [C usually singular] US INFORMAL ↑smart mouth
    219. ˈtoffee-nosed adjective UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑toffee-nosed
    220. ˌall ˈright adjective [after verb], adverb (ALSO NOT STANDARD alright) (CERTAINLY) ↑all right
    221. ˌcan-ˈdo adjective [before noun] US ↑can-do
    222. ˌclear-ˈcut adjective ↑clear-cut
    223. ˌcock of the ˈwalk noun [S] OLD-FASHIONED DISAPPROVING ↑cock of the walk
    224. ˌcut and ˈdried adjective ↑cut and dried
    225. ˌhigh-ˈflown adjective DISAPPROVING ↑high-flown
    226. ˌjumped-ˈup adjective [before noun] UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑jumped-up
    227. ˌproof ˈpositive noun [U] ↑proof positive
    228. ˌself-aˈppointed adjective DISAPPROVING ↑self-appointed
    229. ˌself-aˈssertive adjective ↑self-assertive
    230. ˌself-beˈlief noun [U] ↑self-belief
    231. ˌself-conˌgratuˈlatory adjective DISAPPROVING ↑self-congratulatory
    232. ˌself-eˈsteem noun [U] ↑self-esteem
    233. ˌself-fulˈfilment noun [U] ↑self-fulfilment
    234. ˌself-oˈpinionated adjective DISAPPROVING ↑self-opinionated
    235. ˌself-reˈspect noun [U] ↑self-respect
    236. ˌself-ˈconfident adjective APPROVING ↑self-confident
    237. ˌself-ˈsatisfied adjective DISAPPROVING ↑self-satisfied :: 2 × Showing arrogance and conceit :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    238. ˌself-ˈworth noun [U] ↑self-worth
    239. ˌstuck ˈup adjective INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑stuck up
    240. ˌswollen ˈhead noun [C usually singular] (US USUALLY ALSO ˌswelled ˈhead) ↑swollen head
    241. ˌtin ˈgod noun [C] (ALSO ˌlittle tin ˈgod) LITERARY DISAPPROVING ↑tin god
    242. I'll be bound UK OLD-FASHIONED ↑I'll be bound
    243. I'll be bound UK OLD-FASHIONED ↑bound
    244. be full of your own importance DISAPPROVING ↑be full of your own importance
    245. be full of your own importance DISAPPROVING ↑full
    246. be full of yourself C2 DISAPPROVING ↑be full of yourself
    247. be full of yourself C2 DISAPPROVING ↑full
    248. be sure of sth ↑be sure of sth
    249. be sure of sth ↑sure
    250. be sure of yourself ↑be sure of yourself
    251. be sure of yourself ↑sure
    252. be sure of getting/winning sth ↑be sure of getting/winning sth
    253. be sure of getting/winning sth ↑sure
    254. be sure of/about sb ↑be sure of/about sb
    255. be sure of/about sb ↑sure
    256. be sure to ↑be sure to
    257. be sure to ↑sure
    258. beyond (all) dispute ↑beyond (all) dispute
    259. beyond (all) dispute ↑dispute
    260. beyond reasonable doubt UK (US beyond a reasonable doubt) ↑beyond reasonable doubt
    261. beyond reasonable doubt UK (US beyond a reasonable doubt) ↑beyond
    262. beyond/without a shadow of a doubt ↑beyond/without a shadow of a doubt
    263. beyond/without a shadow of a doubt ↑shadow
    264. cannot but FORMAL ↑cannot but
    265. cannot but FORMAL ↑cannot
    266. cast-iron guarantee, alibi, etc. ↑cast-iron guarantee, alibi, etc.
    267. cast-iron guarantee, alibi, etc. ↑cast-iron
    268. cock a snook at sb/sth ↑cock a snook at sb/sth
    269. cock a snook at sb/sth ↑snook
    270. deign to do sth ↑deign to do sth
    271. deign to do sth ↑deign
    272. disdain to do sth ↑disdain to do sth
    273. disdain to do sth ↑disdain
    274. fancy yourself MAINLY UK DISAPPROVING ↑fancy yourself
    275. fancy yourself MAINLY UK DISAPPROVING ↑fancy
    276. flatter yourself ↑flatter yourself
    277. flatter yourself ↑flatter
    278. for sure ↑for sure
    279. for sure ↑sure
    280. know/say for certain ↑certain :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    281. know/say for certain ↑know/say for certain :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    282. lord it over sb ↑lord it over sb
    283. lord it over sb ↑lord
    284. make certain/sure ↑make certain/sure
    285. make certain/sure ↑make
    286. make sure (that) ↑make sure (that) :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    287. make sure (that) ↑sure :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    288. no doubt ↑doubt
    289. no doubt ↑no doubt
    290. respect yourself ↑respect yourself
    291. respect yourself ↑respect
    292. take pride in sth/sb ↑pride
    293. take pride in sth/sb ↑take pride in sth/sb
    294. that's final ↑final
    295. that's final ↑that's final
    296. thumb your nose at sb/sth ↑thumb your nose at sb/sth
    297. thumb your nose at sb/sth ↑thumb
    298. to sb's satisfaction ↑satisfaction
    299. to sb's satisfaction ↑to sb's satisfaction
    300. arrogantly adverb ↑arrogant
    301. arrogantly adverb ↑arrogantly
    302. assertively adverb ↑assertive
    303. assertively adverb ↑assertively
    304. assertiveness noun [U] ↑assertive
    305. assertiveness noun [U] ↑assertiveness
    306. boorish adjective ↑boor
    307. boorish adjective ↑boorish
    308. categorically adverb ↑categorical
    309. categorically adverb ↑categorically
    310. conceitedly adverb ↑conceited
    311. conceitedly adverb ↑conceitedly
    312. condescendingly adverb ↑condescending
    313. condescendingly adverb ↑condescendingly
    314. confidently adverb ↑confident
    315. confidently adverb ↑confidently
    316. contentment noun [U] (ALSO content) ↑content
    317. contentment noun [U] (ALSO content) ↑contentment
    318. contentment noun [U] (ALSO content) ↑not content with sth/doing sth
    319. definitively adverb ↑definitive
    320. definitively adverb ↑definitively
    321. disrespectful adjective ↑disrespect
    322. disrespectful adjective ↑disrespectful
    323. gloatingly adverb ↑gloat
    324. gloatingly adverb ↑gloatingly
    325. haughtily adverb ↑haughtily
    326. haughtily adverb ↑haughty
    327. imperiously adverb ↑imperious
    328. imperiously adverb ↑imperiously
    329. incontrovertibly adverb ↑incontrovertible
    330. incontrovertibly adverb ↑incontrovertibly
    331. indisputably adverb ↑indisputable
    332. indisputably adverb ↑indisputably
    333. indubitably adverb ↑indubitable
    334. indubitably adverb ↑indubitably
    335. narcissistic adjective ↑narcissist
    336. narcissistic adjective ↑narcissistic
    337. overweeningly adverb ↑overweening
    338. overweeningly adverb ↑overweeningly
    339. pompously adverb ↑pompous
    340. pompously adverb ↑pompously
    341. positiveness noun [U] ↑positive
    342. positiveness noun [U] ↑positiveness
    343. rakishly adverb ↑rakish
    344. rakishly adverb ↑rakishly
    345. sententiously adverb ↑sententious
    346. sententiously adverb ↑sententiously
    347. smugness noun [U] ↑smug :: 2 × Showing arrogance and conceit :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    348. smugness noun [U] ↑smugness :: 2 × Showing arrogance and conceit :: 2 × Confidence and self-assurance
    349. surefootedly adverb ↑surefooted
    350. surefootedly adverb ↑surefootedly
    351. surefootedness noun [U] ↑surefooted
    352. surefootedness noun [U] ↑surefootedness
    353. undeniably adverb ↑undeniable
    354. undeniably adverb ↑undeniably
    355. undoubtedly adverb ↑undoubted
    356. undoubtedly adverb ↑undoubtedly
    357. unequivocally adverb ↑unequivocal
    358. unequivocally adverb ↑unequivocally
    359. unreservedly adverb ↑unreserved
    360. unreservedly adverb ↑unreservedly
    361. ˌself-fulˈfilled adjective ↑self-fulfilled
    362. ˌself-fulˈfilled adjective ↑self-fulfilment
    363. ˌself-reˈspecting adjective [before noun] ↑self-respect
    364. ˌself-reˈspecting adjective [before noun] ↑self-respecting




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