

单词 ↑Computer concepts
释义 ↑Computer concepts
Computer concepts
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 5 SL ↑♯ Computer concepts (152) in total
    1. AI noun [U] ↑AI
    2. ASCII noun [U] ↑ASCII
    3. CAD noun [U] ↑CAD
    4. CGI noun [U] ↑CGI
    5. GUI noun ↑GUI
    6. Google verb [I or T] TRADEMARK ↑Google
    7. IT noun [U] ↑IT
    8. K, k noun [C] (COMPUTER) ↑K, k
    9. OCR noun [U] ↑OCR
    10. WAN noun [C] SPECIALIZED ↑WAN
    12. Y2K noun [U] ↑Y2K
    13. YouTube noun [U] TRADEMARK ↑YouTube
    14. address noun [C] (COMPUTERS) ↑address
    15. archive noun [C] ↑archive
    16. archive verb [T] ↑archive
    17. assign verb [T] SPECIALIZED (COMPUTING) ↑assign
    18. aˈddress ˌbook noun [C] (US ˈaddress ˌbook) ↑address book
    19. backspace noun [S] ↑backspace
    20. backup noun ↑backup :: 2 × People who help or serve people professionally :: 2 × Helpers and accomplices
    21. bit noun [C] SPECIALIZED (COMPUTER) ↑bit
    22. boot verb [I or T] (ALSO boot up) specialized (COMPUTER) ↑boot
    23. bug noun [C] (COMPUTER PROBLEM) ↑bug
    24. byte noun [C] SPECIALIZED ↑byte
    25. capture verb [T] (RECORD) ↑capture
    26. checkout noun [C] ↑checkout
    27. clone noun [C] ↑clone
    28. command noun [C] (COMPUTER) ↑command
    29. computing noun [U] ↑computing
    30. comˌputer ˈscience noun [U] ↑computer science
    31. comˌputer-aided deˈsign noun [U] (ABBREVIATION CAD) ↑computer-aided design
    32. comˌputer-generated ˈimagery noun [U] (ABBREVIATION CGI) ↑computer-generated imagery
    33. configuration noun ↑configuration
    34. connectivity noun [U] SPECIALIZED ↑connectivity
    35. copy sb inphrasal verb with copy verb [I or T] ↑copy sb in
    36. corrupt adjective (ON COMPUTER) ↑corrupt
    37. corrupt verb [T] (ON COMPUTER) ↑corrupt
    38. corruption noun [U] (ON COMPUTER) ↑corruption
    39. crash noun [C] (FAILURE) ↑crash
    40. crash verb (FAIL) ↑crash
    41. database noun [C] ↑database
    42. default to sthphrasal verb with default verb [I] ↑default to sth
    43. desktop noun (COMPUTING) ↑desktop
    44. document noun [C] ↑document
    45. documentation noun [U] ↑documentation
    46. down adjective [after verb] SPECIALIZED (NOT IN OPERATION) ↑down
    47. download noun ↑download
    48. downloadable adjective ↑downloadable
    49. downtime noun [U] ↑downtime
    50. electronic adjective (COMPUTING) ↑electronic
    51. elecˌtronic ˈfootprint noun [C] ↑electronic footprint
    52. elecˌtronic ˈpublishing noun [U] ↑electronic publishing
    53. enter noun [S] ↑enter
    54. erase verb [T] (RECORDING) ↑erase
    55. extension noun [C] (COMPUTER) ↑extension
    56. field noun [C] SPECIALIZED (COMPUTER) ↑field
    57. file noun [C] (COMPUTER) ↑file
    58. folder noun [C] (COMPUTER) ↑folder
    59. gigabyte noun [C] (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION GB, ALSO gig) SPECIALIZED ↑gigabyte
    60. go down (COMPUTER)phrasal verb with go verb ↑go down
    61. hotspot noun [C] (INTERNET ACCESS) ↑hotspot
    62. hypertext noun [U] SPECIALIZED ↑hypertext
    63. icon noun [C] (COMPUTER SYMBOL) ↑icon
    64. inforˌmation reˈtrieval noun [U] ↑information retrieval
    65. inforˌmation techˈnology noun [U] (ABBREVIATION IT) ↑information technology
    66. initialize verb [T] SPECIALIZED ↑initialize
    67. input noun ↑input
    68. interface noun [C] ↑interface :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Mixing and mixtures :: 2 × Connecting and combining
    69. kilobyte noun [C] (ABBREVIATION KB) specialized ↑kilobyte
    70. low-fi adjective ↑low-fi
    71. meg noun [C] ↑meg
    72. megabyte noun [C] (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION MB) ↑megabyte
    73. megapixel noun [C] ↑megapixel
    74. menu noun [C] (COMPUTING) ↑menu
    75. migrate verb [I or T] SPECIALIZED (COMPUTING) ↑migrate
    76. multimedia adjective [before noun] ↑multimedia
    77. multitasking noun [U] (COMPUTER) ↑multitasking
    78. offline (ALSO ˌoff-ˈline) adjective, adverb ↑offline
    79. online adverb (CONNECTED) ↑online
    80. password noun [C] ↑password
    81. portrait adjective ↑portrait
    82. process verb (DEAL WITH) ↑process :: 2 × Photography
    83. prompt noun [C] (COMPUTER) ↑prompt
    84. protocol noun [C] SPECIALIZED (IN COMPUTING) ↑protocol
    85. reboot verb [I or T] ↑reboot
    86. rip noun [C] (COPY) ↑rip
    87. rip verb [T] (COPY) ↑rip
    88. scan verb (MAKE PICTURE) ↑scan
    89. simulation noun [C or U] ↑simulation
    90. skin noun (COMPUTER) ↑skin
    91. string noun [C] SPECIALIZED (COMPUTING) ↑string
    92. superhighway noun [C] US ↑superhighway
    93. swipe verb [T] (MOVE) ↑swipe
    94. system noun (SET) ↑system
    95. template noun [C] ↑template :: 2 × Painting and drawing materials
    96. terabyte noun [C] (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION TB) SPECIALIZED ↑terabyte
    97. the blogosphere noun [S] INFORMAL ↑the blogosphere
    98. the internet noun [S] (INFORMAL the Net) ↑the internet
    99. thumbnail noun [C] (PICTURE) ↑thumbnail
    100. timesharing noun [U] (COMPUTER) ↑timesharing
    101. undelete verb [T] ↑undelete
    102. unsubscribe verb [I or T] ↑unsubscribe
    103. up adjective [after verb] (IN OPERATION) ↑up
    104. virtual adjective (COMPUTER) ↑virtual
    105. wallpaper noun [U] SPECIALIZED (COMPUTER) ↑wallpaper
    106. what you see is what you get SAYING ↑what you see is what you get
    107. wi-fi noun [U] ↑wi-fi
    108. window noun [C] (COMPUTER) ↑window
    109. ˈbar ˌcode noun [C] ↑bar code
    110. ˈbulletin ˌboard noun [C] ↑bulletin board
    111. ˈdata ˌcapture noun [U] ↑data capture
    112. ˈdata ˌprocessing noun [U] ↑data processing
    113. ˈdial-up adjective [before noun] ↑dial-up
    114. ˈfile exˌtension noun [C] ↑file extension
    115. ˈfile ˌsharing noun [U] ↑file sharing
    116. ˈhelp ˌscreen noun [C] ↑help screen
    117. ˈmail ˌmerge noun [C or U] SPECIALIZED ↑mail merge
    118. ˈmenu ˌbar noun [C] ↑menu bar
    119. ˈmenu ˌoption noun [C] ↑menu option
    120. ˈmenu-ˌdriven adjective SPECIALIZED ↑menu-driven
    121. ˈpop-up noun [C] (COMPUTER) ↑pop-up :: 2 × Computer concepts
    122. ˈpull-down ˌmenu noun [C] ↑pull-down menu
    123. ˈreal-time adjective [before noun] ↑real-time
    124. ˈslide ˌshow noun [C] ↑slide show
    125. ˈstand-aˌlone adjective [before noun] ↑stand-alone
    126. ˈswipe ˌcard noun [C] ↑swipe card
    127. ˈvoice-ˌactivated adjective ↑voice-activated
    128. ˈwild ˌcard noun [C] SPECIALIZED (COMPUTING) ↑wild card
    129. ˈword ˌprocessing noun [U] ↑word processing
    130. ˌartificial inˈtelligence noun [U] (ABBREVIATION AI) ↑artificial intelligence
    131. ˌfly-by-ˈwire adjective ↑fly-by-wire
    132. ˌglobal ˈsearch noun [C] ↑global search
    133. ˌgraphical ˌuser ˈinterface noun [C] (ABBREVIATION GUI) ↑graphical user interface
    134. ˌinternet ˈdating noun [U] ↑internet dating
    135. ˌonline ˈdating noun [U] ↑online dating
    136. ˌoptical ˈcharacter recogˌnition noun [U] (ABBREVIATION OCR) specialized ↑optical character recognition
    137. ˌparallel ˈprocessing noun [U] SPECIALIZED ↑parallel processing
    138. ˌtechnical supˈport noun [U] ↑technical support
    139. ˌvirtual reˈality noun [U] ↑virtual reality
    140. ˌvirtual ˈmemory noun [U] ↑virtual memory
    141. copy and paste ↑copy and paste
    142. copy and paste ↑copy
    143. credentials [plural] ↑credential
    144. credentials [plural] ↑credentials
    145. machine-/computer-readable ↑-readable
    146. machine-/computer-readable ↑machine-/computer-readable
    147. backspace verb [I] ↑backspace
    148. multimedia noun [U] ↑multimedia
    149. processing noun [U] ↑process
    150. processing noun [U] ↑processing
    151. ˈsystems aˌnalysis noun [U] ↑systems analysis
    152. ˈsystems aˌnalysis noun [U] ↑systems analyst




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