

单词 ↑Changing
释义 ↑Changing
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 4 SL ↑♯ Changing (217) in total
    1. a new broom sweeps clean UK SAYING ↑a new broom sweeps clean
    2. acclimatize (UK USUALLY acclimatise) verb [I or T] (US ALSO acclimate, ) ↑acclimatize
    3. accustom yourself to sthphrasal verb with accustom verb ↑accustom yourself to sth
    4. accustomed adjective ↑accustomed
    5. adapt verb [I] (BECOME FAMILIAR) ↑adapt
    6. adapt verb [T] (CHANGE) ↑adapt
    7. adaptable adjective ↑adaptable :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    8. adaptation noun ↑adaptation
    9. adaptive adjective SPECIALIZED ↑adaptive
    10. adjust verb (MAKE CHANGES) ↑adjust
    11. adjust verb [I] (BECOME FAMILIAR) ↑adjust
    12. adjustable adjective ↑adjustable
    13. adjustment noun [C or U] (BECOMING FAMILIAR) ↑adjustment
    14. alter verb (CHANGE) ↑alter :: 2 × Changing frequently :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    15. alternate adjective [before noun] ↑alternate :: 2 × Simultaneous and consecutive :: 2 × Order and sequence
    16. alternate verb ↑alternate :: 2 × Changing frequently :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    17. amend verb [T] ↑amend
    18. amendment noun ↑amendment :: 2 × Legislation and law-making
    19. as (if) to the manner born FORMAL ↑as (if) to the manner born
    20. attuned to adjective [after verb] ↑attuned to :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    21. aˌbout-ˈturn noun [C] UK (US aˌbout-ˈface) ↑about-turn :: 2 × Changing frequently :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    22. bastardize (UK USUALLY bastardise) verb [T] ↑bastardize
    23. butterfly noun [C] DISAPPROVING (PERSON) ↑butterfly
    24. capricious adjective LITERARY ↑capricious
    25. chameleon noun [C] (PERSON) ↑chameleon
    26. change (your) tack ↑change (your) tack
    27. change with/keep up with/move with the times ↑change with/keep up with/move with the times
    28. change verb (BECOME DIFFERENT) ↑change :: 3 × Changing frequently :: 3 × Changing :: 3 × Adapting and modifying :: 3 × Adapting and attuning to something
    29. changeable adjective ↑changeable
    30. changing adjective ↑changing
    31. chop and change UK ↑chop and change
    32. churn verb [I or T] SPECIALIZED (CUSTOMERS) ↑churn
    33. come verb [L] (DIFFERENT STATE) ↑come
    34. commute verb (CHANGE) ↑commute
    35. configure verb [T] ↑configure
    36. convert verb [I or T] (CHANGE) ↑convert
    37. convertible adjective ↑convertible
    38. disturb verb [T] (MOVE) ↑disturb
    39. doctor verb [T] (CHANGE) ↑doctor :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    40. domesticate verb [T often passive] ↑domesticate
    41. drip, drip(, drip) ↑drip, drip(, drip)
    42. elastic adjective ↑elastic
    43. elasticity noun [U] ↑elasticity
    44. explode into sthphrasal verb with explode verb ↑explode into sth
    45. fall verb [I + adv/prep, L] (BECOME) ↑fall
    46. familiarize yourself with sth (UK USUALLY familiarise yourself with sth) — phrasal verb with familiarize (UK USUALLY familiarise) verb ↑familiarize yourself with sth
    47. fickle adjective DISAPPROVING ↑fickle
    48. find your feet ↑find your feet
    49. flexible adjective (ABLE TO CHANGE) ↑flexible
    50. flighty adjective DISAPPROVING ↑flighty
    51. fluctuate verb [I] ↑fluctuate
    52. fluid adjective (LIKELY TO CHANGE) ↑fluid
    53. fluidity noun [U] (CHANGE) ↑fluidity
    54. for all the difference sth makes ↑for all the difference sth makes
    55. from STRONG WEAK preposition (CHANGE) ↑from
    56. get into your stride MAINLY UK (US USUALLY hit your stride) ↑get into your stride
    57. get into the swing of it/things INFORMAL ↑get into the swing of it/things
    58. go native DISAPPROVING OR HUMOROUS ↑go native
    59. go over to sthphrasal verb with go verb ↑go over to sth :: 2 × Changing frequently :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    60. habituated adjective FORMAL ↑habituated
    61. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em INFORMAL SAYING ↑if you can't beat 'em, join 'em
    62. inconsistent adjective (CHANGING) ↑inconsistent
    63. inconstant adjective LITERARY ↑inconstant
    64. inflammable adjective (VIOLENCE) ↑inflammable
    65. into preposition (CHANGE) ↑into
    66. inure sb to sth FORMALphrasal verb with inure verb ↑inure sb to sth
    67. jigger verb [T] US ↑jigger
    68. juggle verb [T] INFORMAL (CHANGE) ↑juggle
    69. jump verb [I usually + adv/prep] (SEQUENCE) ↑jump
    70. kaleidoscopic adjective ↑kaleidoscopic
    71. leap noun [C] (SUDDEN CHANGE) ↑leap
    72. learn to live with sth ↑learn to live with sth
    73. make sth into sthphrasal verb with make verb ↑make sth into sth
    74. malleable adjective ↑malleable
    75. mercurial adjective LITERARY ↑mercurial
    76. metamorphose verb [I] FORMAL ↑metamorphose
    77. modification noun [C or U] (CHANGE) ↑modification
    78. modification noun [U] SPECIALIZED (LANGUAGE) ↑modification
    79. modify verb [T] (CHANGE) ↑modify
    80. modulate verb [T] (SOUND) ↑modulate
    81. modulate verb [T] FORMAL (PLAN/PROCESS) ↑modulate
    82. move the goalposts UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑move the goalposts
    83. mutate verb [I] ↑mutate :: 2 × Changing frequently :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    84. onto (ALSO on to) preposition (CHANGING SUBJECT) ↑onto
    85. pass verb [I usually + adv/prep] (CHANGE) ↑pass
    86. patchy adjective ↑patchy
    87. pervert verb [T] DISAPPROVING ↑pervert
    88. pliant adjective (PERSON) ↑pliant
    89. plug into sth INFORMALphrasal verb with plug verb [T] ↑plug into sth
    90. polymorphous adjective FORMAL ↑polymorphous
    91. protean adjective LITERARY ↑protean
    92. put sth back (OF CLOCK)phrasal verb with put verb ↑put sth back
    93. put sth forwardphrasal verb with put verb ↑put sth forward
    94. readjust verb [I or T] ↑readjust
    95. rearrange verb [T] ↑rearrange
    96. recast verb [T] ↑recast
    97. reconstitute verb [T] ↑reconstitute
    98. reconstruct verb [T] ↑reconstruct
    99. refinement noun (CHANGE) ↑refinement
    100. reformed adjective [before noun] ↑reformed
    101. remodel verb [T] ↑remodel
    102. reshuffle verb [T] ↑reshuffle
    103. reverse verb (CHANGE TO OPPOSITE) ↑reverse
    104. reversible adjective ↑reversible
    105. revision noun [C or U] (CHANGE) ↑revision
    106. revolutionize (UK USUALLY revolutionise) verb [T] ↑revolutionize
    107. ring the changes (on) ↑ring the changes (on)
    108. rotation noun ↑rotation :: 2 × Revolving, rotating and spinning :: 2 × Changing frequently :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    109. settle sb inphrasal verb with settle verb ↑settle sb in
    110. settle down (ALSO settle into somewhere) (FEEL COMFORTABLE)phrasal verb with settle verb ↑settle down
    111. settle inphrasal verb with settle verb ↑settle in
    112. settled adjective [after verb] (COMFORTABLE) ↑settled
    113. shake sth upphrasal verb with shake verb ↑shake sth up
    114. shifting adjective ↑shifting
    115. supple adjective LITERARY (ABLE TO CHANGE) ↑supple :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    116. sway verb (MOVE) ↑sway
    117. swing verb (MOVE SIDEWAYS) ↑swing
    118. switch verb [T, I usually + adv/prep] (CHANGE) ↑switch
    119. tailored adjective (FOR PURPOSE) ↑tailored
    120. take on sthphrasal verb with take verb ↑take on sth
    121. tip over into sthphrasal verb with tip verb ↑tip over into sth
    122. trans- prefix (CHANGED) ↑trans-
    123. transcribe verb [T] (CHANGE) ↑transcribe
    124. transfigure verb [T] FORMAL ↑transfigure
    125. transform verb [T] ↑transform
    126. transitional adjective ↑transitional
    127. transmogrify verb [I or T] HUMOROUS ↑transmogrify
    128. transmute verb [I or T, usually + adv/prep] FORMAL ↑transmute
    129. turbulent adjective (SITUATION/TIME) ↑turbulent
    130. turn (sth) upside down ↑turn (sth) upside down
    131. turn (sb/sth) into sb/sthphrasal verb with turn verb ↑turn (sb/sth) into sb/sth
    132. turn sth on its head ↑turn sth on its head
    133. turn the tables on sb ↑turn the tables on sb
    134. turn verb (BECOME) ↑turn
    135. twist verb [T] DISAPPROVING (CHANGE) ↑twist
    136. unaccustomed adjective ↑unaccustomed
    137. unpredictable adjective ↑unpredictable
    138. unsettled adjective (CHANGING) ↑unsettled
    139. variable adjective ↑variable
    140. vary verb [I or T] (BE DIFFERENT) ↑vary
    141. vary verb [I or T] (CHANGE) ↑vary
    142. versatile adjective APPROVING ↑versatile
    143. volatile adjective ↑volatile
    144. wax and wane ↑wax and wane
    145. write sb out of sthphrasal verb with write verb ↑write sb out of sth
    146. zigzag noun [C] (CHANGE) ↑zigzag
    147. zigzag verb [I] (CHANGE) ↑zigzag
    148. ˈflip-flop verb [I] US INFORMAL ↑flip-flop
    149. ˈyo-yo adjective ↑yo-yo
    150. ˌnew ˈbroom noun [C] ↑new broom
    151. ˌsecond ˈnature noun [U] ↑second nature
    152. a changed man/woman ↑a changed man/woman
    153. a changed man/woman ↑changed
    154. accommodate yourself ↑accommodate yourself
    155. accommodate yourself ↑accommodate
    156. be used to sth/sb ↑be used to sth/sb
    157. be used to sth/sb ↑used
    158. be/become hardened to sth ↑be/become hardened to sth
    159. be/become hardened to sth ↑hardened
    160. change your ways ↑change your ways
    161. change your ways ↑change
    162. change for the better ↑change for the better
    163. change for the better ↑change
    164. get the hang of sth C2 INFORMAL ↑get the hang of sth
    165. get the hang of sth C2 INFORMAL ↑hang
    166. get/find your bearings ↑bearing
    167. get/find your bearings ↑get/find your bearings
    168. grow tired, old, calm, etc. ↑grow tired, old, calm, etc.
    169. grow tired, old, calm, etc. ↑grow
    170. reinvent yourself ↑reinvent yourself
    171. reinvent yourself ↑reinvent
    172. return to sth ↑return to sth
    173. return to sth ↑return
    174. stand sb in good stead ↑stand sb in good stead
    175. stand sb in good stead ↑stead
    176. take liberties (with sth) ↑liberty
    177. take liberties (with sth) ↑take liberties (with sth)
    178. adaptability noun [U] ↑adaptability :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    179. adaptability noun [U] ↑adaptable :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    180. adapted adjective ↑adapt :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    181. adapted adjective ↑adapted :: 2 × Changing :: 2 × Adapting and modifying :: 2 × Adapting and attuning to something
    182. alternately adverb ↑alternate
    183. alternately adverb ↑alternately
    184. alternating adjective ↑alternate
    185. alternating adjective ↑alternating
    186. bastardized (UK USUALLY bastardised) adjective ↑bastardize
    187. bastardized (UK USUALLY bastardised) adjective ↑bastardized
    188. capriciously adverb ↑capricious
    189. capriciously adverb ↑capriciously
    190. capriciousness noun [U] ↑capricious
    191. capriciousness noun [U] ↑capriciousness
    192. fickleness noun [U] ↑fickle
    193. fickleness noun [U] ↑fickleness
    194. flexibility noun [U] ↑flexibility
    195. flexibility noun [U] ↑flexible
    196. flexibly adverb ↑flexible
    197. flexibly adverb ↑flexibly
    198. inconsistency noun [C or U] ↑inconsistency
    199. inconsistency noun [C or U] ↑inconsistent
    200. inconsistently adverb ↑inconsistent
    201. inconsistently adverb ↑inconsistently
    202. kaleidoscopically adverb ↑kaleidoscopic
    203. kaleidoscopically adverb ↑kaleidoscopically
    204. readjustment noun [C or U] ↑readjust
    205. readjustment noun [C or U] ↑readjustment
    206. reconstitution noun [U] ↑reconstitute
    207. reconstitution noun [U] ↑reconstitution
    208. stuttering adjective ↑stutter
    209. stuttering adjective ↑stuttering
    210. unpredictability noun [U] ↑unpredictability
    211. unpredictability noun [U] ↑unpredictable
    212. variability noun [U] ↑variability
    213. variability noun [U] ↑variable
    214. versatility noun [U] ↑versatile
    215. versatility noun [U] ↑versatility
    216. volatility noun [U] ↑volatile
    217. volatility noun [U] ↑volatility




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