

单词 ↑Birds of prey
释义 ↑Birds of prey
Birds of prey
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 6 SL ↑♯ Birds of prey (77) in total
    1. blackbird noun [C] ↑blackbird
    2. bluebird noun [C] ↑bluebird
    3. bluejay noun [C] ↑bluejay
    4. bullfinch noun [C] ↑bullfinch
    5. buzzard noun [C] ↑buzzard
    6. cardinal noun [C] (BIRD) ↑cardinal
    7. chaffinch noun [C] ↑chaffinch
    8. condor noun [C] ↑condor
    9. crow noun [C] ↑crow
    10. cuckoo noun [C] ↑cuckoo
    11. currawong noun [C] AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH ↑currawong
    12. dodo noun [C] ↑dodo
    13. dove noun [C] (BIRD) ↑dove
    14. eagle noun [C] ↑eagle
    15. emu noun [C] ↑emu
    16. falcon noun [C] ↑falcon
    17. finch noun [C] ↑finch
    18. flycatcher noun [C] ↑flycatcher
    19. greenfinch noun [C] ↑greenfinch
    20. hawk noun [C] (BIRD) ↑hawk
    21. honeyeater noun [C] ↑honeyeater
    22. hummingbird noun [C] ↑hummingbird
    23. jackass noun [C] AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH OLD-FASHIONED (BIRD) ↑jackass
    24. jackdaw noun [C] ↑jackdaw
    25. jay noun [C] ↑jay
    26. kestrel noun [C] ↑kestrel
    27. kite noun [C] (BIRD) ↑kite
    28. kiwi noun [C] (BIRD) ↑kiwi
    29. kookaburra noun [C] ↑kookaburra
    30. lapwing noun [C] (ALSO peewit) ↑lapwing
    31. lark noun [C] (ALSO skylark) (BIRD) ↑lark
    32. lorikeet noun [C] ↑lorikeet
    33. lyrebird noun [C] ↑lyrebird
    34. macaw noun [C] ↑macaw
    35. magpie noun [C] ↑magpie
    36. martin noun [C] ↑martin
    37. mockingbird noun [C] ↑mockingbird
    38. mopoke noun [C] (BIRD) ↑mopoke
    39. mynah noun [C] (ALSO ˈmynah ˌbird, AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH ˌIndian ˈmynah) ↑mynah
    40. nightingale noun [C] ↑nightingale
    41. oriole noun [C] ↑oriole
    42. osprey noun [C] ↑osprey
    43. ostrich noun [C] (BIRD) ↑ostrich
    44. owl noun [C] ↑owl
    45. peacock noun [C] ↑peacock :: 2 × Modern and fashionable
    46. peahen noun [C] ↑peahen
    47. peewit noun [C] ↑peewit
    48. peregrine falcon noun [C] ↑peregrine falcon
    49. pigeon noun ↑pigeon
    50. raven noun [C] ↑raven
    51. roadrunner noun [C] ↑roadrunner
    52. robin noun [C] (LITERARY robin redbreast, ) ↑robin
    53. rook noun [C] (BIRD) ↑rook
    54. skylark noun [C] ↑skylark
    55. sparrow noun [C] ↑sparrow
    56. sparrowhawk noun [C] ↑sparrowhawk
    57. squab noun [U] MAINLY US ↑squab
    58. starling noun [C] ↑starling
    59. swallow noun [C] (BIRD) ↑swallow
    60. swift noun [C] ↑swift
    61. thrush noun [C] (ALSO song thrush) (BIRD) ↑thrush
    62. tit noun [C] (BIRD) ↑tit
    63. toucan noun [C] ↑toucan
    64. vulture noun [C] ↑vulture
    65. warbler noun [C] ↑warbler
    66. woodpecker noun [C] ↑woodpecker
    67. wren noun [C] ↑wren
    68. ˈblue ˌtit noun [C] ↑blue tit
    69. ˈcarrier ˌpigeon noun [C] ↑carrier pigeon
    70. ˈcarrion ˌcrow noun [C] ↑carrion crow
    71. ˈhouse ˌmartin noun [C] ↑house martin
    72. ˈhouse ˌsparrow noun [C] ↑house sparrow
    73. ˈsong ˌthrush noun [C] ↑song thrush
    74. ˈturtle dove noun [C] ↑turtle dove
    75. ˌbald ˈeagle noun [C] ↑bald eagle
    76. ˌbird of ˈparadise noun [C] ↑bird of paradise
    77. ˌgolden ˈeagle noun [C] ↑golden eagle




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