

单词 ↑Becoming better
释义 ↑Becoming better
Becoming better
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 4 SL ↑♯ Becoming better (249) in total
    1. a shot in the arm ↑a shot in the arm
    2. a step forward ↑a step forward
    3. add salt to sth OLD-FASHIONED ↑add salt to sth
    4. advance verb (MOVE FORWARD) ↑advance
    5. advancement noun [U] ↑advancement
    6. ahead adverb (IN FRONT) ↑ahead
    7. allay verb [T] FORMAL ↑allay
    8. alleviate verb [T] FORMAL ↑alleviate
    9. ameliorate verb [T] FORMAL ↑ameliorate
    10. assuage verb [T] FORMAL ↑assuage
    11. be cooking US INFORMAL ↑be cooking
    12. benefit noun (ADVANTAGE) ↑benefit
    13. benefit verb [I or T] ↑benefit
    14. better verb [T] ↑better
    15. betterment noun [U] FORMAL ↑betterment
    16. bloom verb [I] (DEVELOP) ↑bloom
    17. blossom verb [I] ↑blossom
    18. boom verb [I] (GROW) ↑boom
    19. boost noun [C usually singular] ↑boost
    20. boost verb [T] ↑boost
    21. booster noun [C] (IMPROVEMENT) ↑booster
    22. brush up (on) sthphrasal verb with brush verb ↑brush up (on) sth
    23. burgeon verb [I] LITERARY ↑burgeon
    24. burgeoning adjective ↑burgeoning
    25. by/in leaps and bounds ↑by/in leaps and bounds
    26. carry verb [T usually + adv/prep] (DEVELOP) ↑carry
    27. clear the air ↑clear the air
    28. clear up INFORMALphrasal verb with clear verb ↑clear up
    29. coast verb [I] ↑coast
    30. come alive ↑come alive
    31. come along (DEVELOP)phrasal verb with come verb ↑come along
    32. come of age ↑come of age
    33. come on/alongphrasal verb with come verb ↑come on/along
    34. comfort noun (PLEASANT THING) ↑comfort
    35. consolidate verb [I or T] ↑consolidate :: 2 × Becoming and making stronger
    36. corrective noun [C] ↑corrective
    37. cultivate verb [T] (DEVELOP) ↑cultivate
    38. cushion the blow ↑cushion the blow
    39. deepen verb [I or T] (COMPLICATED) ↑deepen
    40. develop verb [I or T] (GROW) ↑develop
    41. developed adjective ↑developed
    42. developer noun [C] (PERSON) ↑developer
    43. developing adjective ↑developing :: 2 × Making progress and advancing :: 2 × Becoming better
    44. development noun [U] (GROWTH) ↑development
    45. ease verb [I or T] (MAKE LESS) ↑ease
    46. elevate verb [T] ↑elevate
    47. embroider verb [I or T] (ADD TO A STORY) ↑embroider
    48. embroidery noun [U] (STORY) ↑embroidery
    49. enhance verb [T] ↑enhance
    50. enhancer noun [C] ↑enhancer
    51. enliven verb [T] ↑enliven
    52. ennoble verb [T] ↑ennoble
    53. enrich verb [T] (HAVE MORE MONEY) ↑enrich
    54. enrich verb [T] (IMPROVE) ↑enrich
    55. evolution noun [U] ↑evolution :: 2 × Making progress and advancing :: 2 × Change and changes :: 2 × Becoming better
    56. evolutionary adjective ↑evolutionary :: 2 × Making progress and advancing :: 2 × Change and changes :: 2 × Becoming better
    57. evolve verb [I or T] ↑evolve
    58. fillip noun [C usually singular] ↑fillip
    59. flourish verb [I] (SUCCEED) ↑flourish
    60. flower verb [I] LITERARY (DEVELOP) ↑flower
    61. for the better ↑for the better
    62. forward adverb (ALSO forwards) (PROGRESS) ↑forward
    63. freshen sth upphrasal verb with freshen verb ↑freshen sth up
    64. further verb [T] ↑further
    65. get it together INFORMAL ↑get it together
    66. ginger sth upphrasal verb with ginger verb ↑ginger sth up
    67. go great guns OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL ↑go great guns
    68. graduate verb [I] (PROGRESS) ↑graduate
    69. grow into sb/sthphrasal verb with grow verb ↑grow into sb/sth
    70. grow out of sth (IDEA)phrasal verb with grow verb ↑grow out of sth
    71. grow verb (INCREASE) ↑grow :: 3 × Enlarging and inflating :: 3 × Becoming bigger
    72. have come a long way ↑have come a long way
    73. heal verb [I or T] ↑heal :: 2 × Making things better :: 2 × Becoming better
    74. help verb (MAKE EASIER) ↑help :: 2 × Helping and co-operating
    75. homologous adjective ↑homologous
    76. hone verb [T] (MAKE PERFECT) ↑hone
    77. humanize (UK USUALLY humanise) verb [T] ↑humanize
    78. improve on/upon sthphrasal verb with improve verb [I or T] ↑improve on/upon sth :: 2 × Making things better :: 2 × Becoming better
    79. improve verb [I or T] ↑improve :: 2 × Making things better :: 2 × Becoming better
    80. improvement noun [C or U] ↑improvement
    81. invigorate verb [T] ↑invigorate
    82. iterative adjective FORMAL OR SPECIALIZED ↑iterative
    83. jog along INFORMALphrasal verb with jog verb ↑jog along
    84. knock/lick sth/sb into shape (US USUALLY whip sth/sb into shape) ↑knock/lick sth/sb into shape
    85. leap noun [C] (SUDDEN CHANGE) ↑leap
    86. leapfrog verb [I or T, usually + adv/prep] ↑leapfrog
    87. leaven verb [T] ↑leaven
    88. lift verb [T] INFORMAL (MAKE INTERESTING) ↑lift
    89. limp verb [I + adv/prep] INFORMAL (PROCESS/THING) ↑limp
    90. liven (sb) upphrasal verb with liven verb ↑liven (sb) up
    91. liven (sth) upphrasal verb with liven verb ↑liven (sth) up
    92. look up INFORMALphrasal verb with look verb ↑look up
    93. make a man (out) of sb ↑make a man (out) of sb
    94. make a world of difference ↑make a world of difference
    95. march noun [S] (CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT) ↑march
    96. mature verb (DEVELOP MENTALLY) ↑mature
    97. mend your ways ↑mend your ways
    98. mitigate verb [T] FORMAL ↑mitigate
    99. mollify verb [T] ↑mollify
    100. move on to higher/better things HUMOROUS ↑move on to higher/better things
    101. move verb [I or T] (PROGRESS) ↑move
    102. on the up (and up) ↑on the up (and up)
    103. overdeveloped adjective ↑overdeveloped
    104. pan out INFORMALphrasal verb with pan verb ↑pan out
    105. parlay verb [T] MAINLY US ↑parlay
    106. patch sth upphrasal verb with patch verb ↑patch sth up
    107. perk upphrasal verb with perk verb [I or T] INFORMAL ↑perk up :: 2 × Making things better :: 2 × Becoming better
    108. pick up (INCREASE)phrasal verb with pick verb ↑pick up
    109. pickup noun (INCREASE) ↑pickup
    110. play out MAINLY USphrasal verb with play verb ↑play out
    111. polish sth up (SKILL)phrasal verb with polish verb [T] ↑polish sth up
    112. practice makes perfect SAYING ↑practice makes perfect
    113. process noun [C] ↑process
    114. progress noun [U] ↑progress
    115. progress verb [I] ↑progress
    116. progression noun [C or U] ↑progression
    117. progressive adjective (GRADUAL) ↑progressive
    118. progressively adverb ↑progressively
    119. pull your socks up UK INFORMAL ↑pull your socks up
    120. purify verb [T] (MORALLY GOOD) ↑purify
    121. raise your game ↑raise your game
    122. rally noun [C] (IMPROVEMENT) ↑rally
    123. rally verb [I] (IMPROVE) ↑rally
    124. rationalize (UK USUALLY rationalise) verb [I or T] (CHANGE) ↑rationalize
    125. rebuild verb [T] ↑rebuild
    126. rectify verb [T] FORMAL (CORRECT) ↑rectify
    127. redeem verb [T] FORMAL (IMPROVE) ↑redeem
    128. refine verb [T] ↑refine
    129. refinement noun (CHANGE) ↑refinement
    130. reform noun [C or U] ↑reform
    131. reform verb [I or T] ↑reform :: 2 × Making things better :: 2 × Becoming better
    132. reformed adjective [before noun] ↑reformed
    133. reformer noun [C] ↑reformer
    134. regenerate verb [I or T] SPECIALIZED (GROW) ↑regenerate
    135. regenerate verb [T] (IMPROVE) ↑regenerate
    136. rehabilitate verb [T] ↑rehabilitate
    137. relieve verb (HELP) ↑relieve
    138. relieve verb (MAKE BETTER) ↑relieve
    139. remedial adjective (TO IMPROVE) ↑remedial
    140. reorganize (UK USUALLY reorganise) verb [I or T] ↑reorganize
    141. repair verb [T] ↑repair
    142. restructure verb [T] ↑restructure
    143. revamp verb [T] INFORMAL ↑revamp
    144. revitalize (UK USUALLY revitalise) verb [T] ↑revitalize
    145. revivify verb [T] FORMAL ↑revivify
    146. revolutionize (UK USUALLY revolutionise) verb [T] ↑revolutionize
    147. ripen verb ↑ripen
    148. rise noun [S] (MOVEMENT UP) ↑rise
    149. salvage verb [T] ↑salvage
    150. save the day ↑save the day
    151. shape up or ship out! INFORMAL ↑shape up or ship out!
    152. shape up INFORMALphrasal verb with shape verb [T] ↑shape up :: 2 × Making progress and advancing :: 2 × Becoming better
    153. sharpen (sth) upphrasal verb with sharpen verb [T] ↑sharpen (sth) up
    154. sharpen up your act ↑sharpen up your act
    155. sharpen verb [T] (MAKE STRONG) ↑sharpen :: 2 × Making things better :: 2 × Becoming better
    156. sharpen verb [T] (MUSIC) ↑sharpen
    157. shore sth upphrasal verb with shore verb ↑shore sth up
    158. simmer verb ↑simmer
    159. smooth sth outphrasal verb with smooth verb ↑smooth sth out
    160. smooth sth overphrasal verb with smooth verb ↑smooth sth over
    161. smooth verb [T] (REMOVE PROBLEMS) ↑smooth
    162. smoulder UK (US smolder) verb [I] (PROBLEM) ↑smoulder
    163. spice sth upphrasal verb with spice verb [T] ↑spice sth up
    164. spread your wings ↑spread your wings
    165. steer a course/path ↑steer a course/path
    166. step/move up a gear INFORMAL ↑step/move up a gear
    167. straighten sb out INFORMALphrasal verb with straighten verb ↑straighten sb out
    168. straighten up US (BEHAVIOUR)phrasal verb with straighten verb ↑straighten up
    169. streak aheadphrasal verb with streak verb ↑streak ahead
    170. streamline verb [T] (IMPROVE) ↑streamline
    171. stride noun [C] (DEVELOPMENT) ↑stride
    172. sugar the pill UK (US sweeten the pill) ↑sugar the pill
    173. surge verb [I] ↑surge
    174. sweeten verb [T] (MORE PLEASANT) ↑sweeten
    175. take the edge off sth ↑take the edge off sth
    176. take the heat off sb INFORMAL ↑take the heat off sb
    177. take the sting out of sth ↑take the sting out of sth
    178. that's more like it! INFORMAL ↑that's more like it!
    179. time's a great healer (ALSO time heals (all wounds)) saying ↑time's a great healer
    180. tonic noun (MEDICINE) ↑tonic
    181. touch sth upphrasal verb with touch verb ↑touch sth up
    182. track noun (DEVELOPMENT) ↑track
    183. turn sth around/roundphrasal verb with turn verb ↑turn sth around/round :: 2 × Making things better :: 2 × Becoming better
    184. turn over a new leaf ↑turn over a new leaf
    185. turn the corner ↑turn the corner
    186. tweak verb [T] (CHANGE SLIGHTLY) ↑tweak
    187. unfold verb (DEVELOP) ↑unfold
    188. up adverb (IMPROVE) ↑up
    189. upgrade noun [C] ↑upgrade
    190. upgrade verb [T] ↑upgrade
    191. uplift noun [U] FORMAL (IMPROVEMENT) ↑uplift
    192. upswing noun [C] ↑upswing
    193. upturn noun [C] ↑upturn
    194. vamp sth upphrasal verb with vamp verb ↑vamp sth up
    195. warm up INFORMAL (EVENT)phrasal verb with warm verb [I or T] ↑warm up
    196. wipe the slate clean ↑wipe the slate clean
    197. work (sth) outphrasal verb with work verb ↑work (sth) out :: 2 × Making things better :: 2 × Becoming better
    198. work your way up/to the top ↑work your way up/to the top
    199. ˈlet-up noun [C usually singular] INFORMAL ↑let-up
    200. better yourself ↑better yourself
    201. better yourself ↑better
    202. change for the better ↑change for the better
    203. change for the better ↑change
    204. for the best ↑best
    205. for the best ↑for the best
    206. gather speed, strength, momentum, etc. ↑gather speed, strength, momentum, etc.
    207. gather speed, strength, momentum, etc. ↑gather
    208. get better ↑better
    209. get better ↑get better
    210. get far/somewhere/anywhere ↑get far/somewhere/anywhere
    211. get far/somewhere/anywhere ↑get
    212. lighten sb's burden, load, etc. ↑lighten sb's burden, load, etc.
    213. lighten sb's burden, load, etc. ↑lighten
    214. make a (big) difference B2 (ALSO make all the difference) ↑difference
    215. make a (big) difference B2 (ALSO make all the difference) ↑make a (big) difference
    216. make headway ↑headway
    217. make headway ↑make headway
    218. on course ↑course
    219. on course ↑on course
    220. proceed to do sth ↑proceed to do sth
    221. proceed to do sth ↑proceed
    222. put/set sth to rights ↑put/set sth to rights
    223. put/set sth to rights ↑right
    224. salve your conscience ↑salve your conscience
    225. salve your conscience ↑salve
    226. take a ... turn ↑take a ... turn
    227. take a ... turn ↑turn
    228. take a turn for the better/worse ↑take a turn for the better/worse
    229. take a turn for the better/worse ↑turn
    230. take wing LITERARY ↑take wing
    231. take wing LITERARY ↑wing
    232. -enhancing suffix ↑-enhancing
    233. -enhancing suffix ↑enhance
    234. alleviation noun [U] ↑alleviate
    235. alleviation noun [U] ↑alleviation
    236. developmental adjective ↑development
    237. developmental adjective ↑developmental
    238. enhancement noun [C or U] ↑enhance
    239. enhancement noun [C or U] ↑enhancement
    240. furtherance noun [U] FORMAL ↑further
    241. furtherance noun [U] FORMAL ↑furtherance
    242. reformist adjective ↑reformer
    243. reformist adjective ↑reformist
    244. regeneration noun [U] ↑regenerate
    245. regeneration noun [U] ↑regeneration
    246. rehabilitation noun [U] ↑rehabilitate
    247. rehabilitation noun [U] ↑rehabilitation
    248. ˈsugar-ˌcoat verb [T] ↑sugar-coat
    249. ˈsugar-ˌcoat verb [T] ↑sugar-coated




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