

单词 ↑Affected and insincere
释义 ↑Affected and insincere
Affected and insincere
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 5 SL ↑♯ Affected and insincere (101) in total
    1. affectation noun [C or U] DISAPPROVING ↑affectation
    2. affected adjective DISAPPROVING ↑affected
    3. arch adjective ↑arch
    4. artificial adjective ↑artificial
    5. arty-farty adjective UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (US artsy-fartsy, ) ↑arty-farty
    6. camp it up INFORMALphrasal verb with camp verb [I] ↑camp it up
    7. camp adjective INFORMAL ↑camp
    8. campy adjective MAINLY US ↑campy
    9. cheesy adjective (BAD STYLE) ↑cheesy :: 2 × Rubbish and waste :: 2 × Not of good quality :: 2 × Informal words for bad
    10. cloying adjective DISAPPROVING (TOO EMOTIONAL) ↑cloying
    11. contrived adjective DISAPPROVING ↑contrived :: 2 × Affected and insincere
    12. cutesy adjective INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑cutesy
    13. emptiness noun [U] (NOT SINCERE) ↑emptiness
    14. empty adjective [usually before noun] (NOT SINCERE) ↑empty
    15. factitious adjective FORMAL ↑factitious
    16. false adjective DISAPPROVING (NOT SINCERE) ↑false
    17. falsely adverb DISAPPROVING (NOT SINCERELY) ↑falsely
    18. falsity noun [U] (ALSO falseness) DISAPPROVING (NOT SINCERE) ↑falsity
    19. fey adjective LITERARY OFTEN DISAPPROVING ↑fey
    20. forced adjective ↑forced
    21. front noun [C usually singular] [C usually singular] (APPEARANCE) ↑front
    22. glib adjective ↑glib
    23. histrionic adjective DISAPPROVING ↑histrionic
    24. histrionics noun [plural] DISAPPROVING ↑histrionics
    25. hokey adjective US INFORMAL ↑hokey
    26. hollow adjective (NOT SINCERE) ↑hollow
    27. hollowly adverb (NOT SINCERE) ↑hollowly
    28. insincere adjective DISAPPROVING ↑insincere
    29. la-di-da (ALSO lah-di-dah) adjective OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL ↑la-di-da
    30. lah-di-dah adjective ↑lah-di-dah
    31. mannered adjective DISAPPROVING ↑mannered
    32. melodramatic adjective ↑melodramatic
    33. meretricious adjective FORMAL ↑meretricious
    34. oily adjective (TOO FRIENDLY) ↑oily
    35. oleaginous adjective FORMAL ↑oleaginous
    36. phoney INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (US ALSO phony) adjective ↑phoney
    37. pious adjective (PRETENDING) ↑pious
    38. ponce about/around UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (LIKE A WOMAN)phrasal verb with ponce verb ↑ponce about/around
    39. posey adjective UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑posey
    40. precious adjective MAINLY UK DISAPPROVING (NOT NATURAL) ↑precious
    41. preciously adverb DISAPPROVING ↑preciously
    42. precocious adjective ↑precocious
    43. pretension noun ↑pretension
    44. pretentious adjective DISAPPROVING ↑pretentious
    45. pseud(o)- prefix DISAPPROVING ↑pseud(o)-
    46. rent-a- prefix UK DISAPPROVING ↑rent-a-
    47. ring/sound hollow ↑ring/sound hollow
    48. saccharine adjective DISAPPROVING ↑saccharine
    49. show noun (FALSE APPEARANCE) ↑show
    50. slick adjective ↑slick
    51. slimy adjective ↑slimy
    52. smarmy adjective INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑smarmy
    53. smooth adjective (NOT SINCERE) ↑smooth
    54. smoothie noun [C] DISAPPROVING (NOT SINCERE) ↑smoothie
    55. stagy (ALSO stagey) adjective DISAPPROVING ↑stagy
    56. studied adjective ↑studied
    57. sugary adjective ↑sugary
    58. talk the talk ... walk the walk ↑talk the talk ... walk the walk
    59. theatre UK (US theater) noun [U] (BEHAVIOUR) ↑theatre
    60. theatrical adjective (BEHAVIOUR) ↑theatrical
    61. ˈcupboard ˌlove noun [U] ↑cupboard love
    62. ˌtwo-ˈfaced adjective DISAPPROVING ↑two-faced
    63. constrained to do sth ↑constrained to do sth
    64. constrained to do sth ↑constrained
    65. affectedly adverb ↑affected
    66. affectedly adverb ↑affectedly
    67. archly adverb ↑arch
    68. archly adverb ↑archly
    69. artificially adverb ↑artificial
    70. artificially adverb ↑artificially
    71. cloyingly adverb ↑cloying
    72. cloyingly adverb ↑cloyingly
    73. feyness noun [U] ↑fey
    74. feyness noun [U] ↑feyness
    75. glibly adverb ↑glib
    76. glibly adverb ↑glibly
    77. glibness noun [U] ↑glib
    78. glibness noun [U] ↑glibness
    79. hollowness noun [U] ↑hollow
    80. hollowness noun [U] ↑hollowness
    81. insincerely adverb ↑insincere
    82. insincerely adverb ↑insincerely
    83. insincerity noun [U] ↑insincere
    84. insincerity noun [U] ↑insincerity
    85. melodramatically adverb ↑melodramatic
    86. melodramatically adverb ↑melodramatically
    87. phoney noun [C] ↑phoney
    88. piously adverb ↑pious
    89. piously adverb ↑piously
    90. pretentiousness noun [U] (ALSO pretension) ↑pretentious
    91. pretentiousness noun [U] (ALSO pretension) ↑pretentiousness
    92. pseudy adjective ↑pseud
    93. pseudy adjective ↑pseudy
    94. smarm verb [I or T] ↑smarm
    95. smarm verb [I or T] ↑smarmy
    96. smarmily adverb ↑smarmily
    97. smarmily adverb ↑smarmy
    98. theatricality noun [U] ↑theatrical
    99. theatricality noun [U] ↑theatricality
    100. theatrically adverb ↑theatrical
    101. theatrically adverb ↑theatrically




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