

单词 take
释义 take

take /teɪk/

noun [C] (FILM)
F0 the filming of a scene (= small part of a film): » This scene of the film needed ten takes before we felt it was right.Thesaurus+: ↑Cinema - general words
noun [U] (MONEY)
F0 money that is received from sales or as payment for entrance to an event: » The box office take was huge for the new show.Thesaurus+: ↑Profits and losses
verb (took, taken) (ACCEPT) ↑Verb Endings for take
B1 [T] to accept or have:
» Do they take credit cards here?» Do you take milk in your tea?» This container will take (= has room for) six litres.» Which newspaper do you take (= regularly buy)?» He continually abuses her, and she just sits there and takes it.» If you think I'm going to take that lying down (= accept it without complaining), you're very much mistaken.» I take the/your point (= accept the argument), but I still don't think you should have gone.Thesaurus+: ↑Getting, receiving and accepting , ↑Capturing or taking possession of things
F0 [T] used when you want to mention something as a particular example of what you are talking about:
» I've been very busy recently. Take last week, I had meetings on four evenings.Thesaurus+: ↑Typifying, illustrating and exemplifying , ↑Meaning and significance
take to be/take for sth
F0 If you take someone or something to be something, or if you take them for something, you accept or believe that they are that thing:
» [+ to infinitive] These creatures are generally taken to be descended from primitive fishes.» I could have taken him for (= believed that he was) your brother.» I'm not going to forge his signature for you! What do you take me for? (= You should not believe I could do a thing like that.)Thesaurus+: ↑Believing
can't take sth
B2 to not be able to deal with an unpleasant situation:
» I can't take it any more. I'm leaving.Thesaurus+: ↑Not liking
take it or leave it
F0 accept or refuse the offer completely:
» That's my final offer - you can take it or leave it.Thesaurus+: ↑Interjections , ↑Sounds used as interjections
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Extra Examples:» Do you usually take a morning/afternoon break?» I took this new job because I felt that the career prospects were much better.» The director took a risk in giving the film's main role to an unknown actor.» She took a few spoonfuls of soup but left her main course untouched.» He took a drop in salary when he changed jobs.Common mistake: take part! The correct preposition to use after take part is in.! Don't say 'take part at/of something', say take part in something:» My team would like to take part in the competition.Common mistake: take part or take place?! Warning: choose the correct verb!! To talk about something happening, don't say something 'takes part', say something takes place: The concert will take part at the Albert Hall, in London.» The concert will take place at the Albert Hall, in London.
verb (took, taken) (ACT) ↑Verb Endings for take
B1 [T] to do or perform:
» The Archbishop took our service of thanksgiving.» Shelley is taking (= studying) economics at university.» UK Mr Marshall takes us for (= teaches us) physics.Thesaurus+: ↑Performing a function , ↑Functioning
B1 [T] used with many nouns to make a verb phrase that is equal in meaning to the related verb:
» I think we'll take a break (= we'll stop for a break) there.» If you're tired you should take a rest (= you should rest).» I always like to take a walk (= to walk) after lunch.
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Extra Examples:» I usually take a nap after lunch.» Who takes this class on Tuesdays?» I agreed to take Nicola's aerobics class for her next week.» I'm going to take some French lessons.» After the next song, we'll take a break.
verb (took, taken) (DRUG/MEDICINE) ↑Verb Endings for take
A2 to swallow or use a medicine or drug, especially in a regular way: » Take this medicine three times a day.» Do you think she takes drugs?Thesaurus+: ↑Drugs - general words , ↑Specific types of drug
verb (took, taken) (GO WITH) ↑Verb Endings for take
A1 [T] to go somewhere with someone, often paying for them or being responsible for them:
» We're taking the children to the zoo on Saturday.» [+ to infinitive] I took my elderly parents to look at some new houses.» [+ -ing verb] Will you take me swimming tomorrow?Thesaurus+: ↑Taking someone somewhere or telling them the way
F0 [T] to show someone how to get to somewhere by going there with them:
» Let me take you to your room.Thesaurus+: ↑Taking someone somewhere or telling them the way
F0 [T] to go to a social event with someone:
» Who's taking you to the dance?Thesaurus+: ↑Taking someone somewhere or telling them the way
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Extra Examples:» As a special treat, I'll take you to my favourite tea-shop.» I had to get up early to take her to the airport.» If he gets any worse I'll take him to the doctor's.» Three days after the birth, Paul and Sandra took their precious bundle of joy home.» I took my two-year old nephew down to the beach with his bucket and spade.
verb (took, taken) (MEASURE) ↑Verb Endings for take
C2 to measure something: » Nurses took my temperature and blood pressure.
verb (took, taken) (NEED) ↑Verb Endings for take
B2 [T] to need:
» Parachuting takes a lot of nerve.» Transitive verbs take a direct object.» [+ -ing verb] His story took some believing (= was difficult to believe).Thesaurus+: ↑Lacking things , ↑Scarce, inadequate and not enough , ↑Essential or necessary
B1 to wear a particular size of clothes or shoes:
» What size shoes do you take?
A2 [L only + noun] If something takes a particular time, that period is needed in order to complete it:
» The cooking process only takes ten minutes.» [+ to infinitive] How long does this paint take to dry?» [+ obj + noun ] It took us all day to drive home.Thesaurus+: ↑Spending time and time passing
not take long
A2 to act or happen over a short period of time:
» I'm just going to the shops - I won't take long.Thesaurus+: ↑Hurrying and doing things quickly , ↑Busy and active
take time
F0 to need a long time:
» Broken bones always take time to mend.Thesaurus+: ↑Lasting for a long time
• • •
Extra Examples:» They took two hours to discuss the plans and considered it time well spent.» It took a lot of courage to do what she did.» The insurance company took months to settle my claim.» The jury took four days to reach a verdict.» This recipe takes four cloves of garlic.
verb (took, taken) (REACTION) ↑Verb Endings for take
B2 [T] to have or come to have a particular feeling or opinion:
» He doesn't take any interest in his children.» Don't take any notice of the cameras.» She takes offence too easily.» They took pity on the stray cat and fed it.» I take the view that fuel should be heavily taxed to reduce road use.Thesaurus+: ↑Feelings - general wordsThesaurus+: ↑Expressing and asking opinions , ↑Remarks and remarking , ↑Controlling emotions
take sb unawares (ALSO take sb by surprise)
F0 to surprise someone:
» The sudden noise took her unawares.Thesaurus+: ↑Surprising and shocking , ↑Making people sad, shocked and upset
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Extra Examples:» She took offence when we offered to help her.» Don't take any notice of what they say.» She never took any notice of her critics.» He takes the view that children should not be allowed in pubs.» I took pity on her and bought her some clothes.
verb (took, taken) (REMOVE) ↑Verb Endings for take
B1 [T] to remove something, especially without permission:
» Has anything been taken (= stolen)?» Here's your pen, I took it by mistake.» All her possessions had been taken from her.Thesaurus+: ↑Taking things away from someone or somewhere , ↑Removing and getting rid of things
B2 [T] to subtract a number (= remove it from another number):
» If you take 4 from 12 you get 8. SEE ALSO TAKE STH AWAY(Cf. ↑take sth away) (CALCULATE)Thesaurus+: ↑Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division , ↑Calculations and calculatingWord Builder:Nouns: undertakingVerbs: take, overtake, undertake
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Extra Examples:» "Did you take any money out of my purse?" "Certainly not!"» When they got divorced, his wife took everything.» They took blood and urine specimens for analysis.» OK, very funny - who took my clothes?» If anyone found out that I took the money, I'd die of shame.
verb (took, taken) (UNDERSTAND) ↑Verb Endings for take
C2 to understand something in a particular way: » We were only teasing, but he took it the wrong way.» I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult.» She gave a nod, which we took to mean that she was in agreement.
verb [I] (took, taken) (PERFORM WELL) ↑Verb Endings for take
F0 to work or perform as expected: » These new plants haven't taken - they don't like this dry soil.Thesaurus+: ↑Performing a function , ↑Functioning
verb [T] (took, taken) (CATCH) ↑Verb Endings for take
B2 to get possession of something or someone: » Rebels ambushed the train and took several prisoners.» The Liberals need just 200 more votes to take the seat from Labour.» Centre-left parties look set to take power.» Adam, I'd like you to take control of the aircraft now.Thesaurus+: ↑Capturing or taking possession of things , ↑Getting, receiving and accepting
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Extra Examples:» His party took control from the Communists.» We'll take a lot of Labour's vote over the issue of fox hunting.» The terrorists have taken hundreds of hostages.» The soldiers were taken behind enemy lines.
verb [T] (took, taken) (HOLD) ↑Verb Endings for take
B1 to move in order to hold something in the hand(s): » Can you take this bag while I open the door?» He took my arm and led me outside.» Take an egg and break it into the bowl.» He took hold of the plant's root and pulled.Thesaurus+: ↑Having in your hands
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Extra Examples:» The baby took my finger in its tenacious little fist.» Take my hand as we cross the road.» Each player takes three cards.» The doctor had to take my shoulder and click the joint back into place.» He took my arm and guided me to the bar.
verb [T] (took, taken) (MONEY) ↑Verb Endings for take
F0 to receive money from sales or as payment for entrance to an event: » The show took an astonishing $100,000 in its first week. SEE ALSO TAKINGS(Cf. ↑takings)Thesaurus+: ↑Getting, receiving and accepting , ↑Capturing or taking possession of things
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Extra Examples:» The restaurant took a lot of money that night.» How much do you usually take in an evening?
verb [T] (took, taken) (MOVE) ↑Verb Endings for take
A1 to move something or someone from one place to another: » The weather forecast said rain, so take your umbrella (with you) when you go out.» The suitcases were taken to Madrid by mistake.» Take the book up/down to the third floor of the library.» [+ two objects] I suggested that he should take her some chocolates/take some chocolates to her (= bring them to her as a present).Thesaurus+: ↑Transferring and transporting objects
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Extra Examples:» Take the vase off the shelf.» Could you take this letter to John, please?» I took some food from the table.» I took some of the flowers for Mrs Bright.» I took several books with me for the journey.
verb [T] (took, taken) (THINK ABOUT) ↑Verb Endings for take
B2 to think about something or someone in a particular way: » We're taking the bomb threats very seriously.Thesaurus+: ↑Thinking and contemplating
verb [T] (took, taken) (TRANSPORT) ↑Verb Endings for take
A2 to travel somewhere by using a particular form of transport or a particular vehicle, route, etc.: » I always take the train - it's less hassle than a car.» She took the 10.30 flight to Edinburgh.» If you take the road on the left, you'll come to the post office.Thesaurus+: ↑Travelling
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Extra Examples:» We took a bus to Mexico City.» From Heathrow, you can take a taxi.» I took the 6.30 train to Manchester.» Why don't you take the train to Paris?» We took a flight to Denver.
verb [T] (took, taken) (WRITE) ↑Verb Endings for take
B1 to write: » I hope you're all taking notes.Thesaurus+: ↑Writing and typing




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