单词 | head |
释义 | head —head /hed/ noun (BODY PART) A1 [C] the part of the body above the neck where the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and brain are: » Put this hat on to keep your head warm.» He banged his head on the car as he was getting in.» She nodded/shook her head (= showed her agreement/disagreement).See picture: head ![]() Thesaurus+: ↑The head F0 [S] a person or animal when considered as a unit: » Dinner will cost £20 a/per head (= for each person).» I did a quick head count (= calculated how many people there were).» They own a hundred head of (= 100) cattle.Thesaurus+: ↑Particular and individualF0 [S] a measure of length or height equal to the size of a head: » Her horse won by a head.» Paul is a head taller than Andrew.Thesaurus+: ↑Measurements of length and distanceWord Builder:–Nouns: head, heading–Adjectives: heady, overhead–Verbs: head, behead–Adverbs: overhead• • • Extra Examples:» I like swimming but I don't like getting my head underwater.» Tim had a nasty bump on his head from when he'd fallen over.» She twisted her head round so she could see what was happening.» He fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.» She signified her agreement by nodding her head.noun (COIN SIDE) heads [U]► F0 the side of a coin that has a picture of someone's head on it→ COMPARE TAIL(Cf. ↑tail) noun (COIN SIDE)Thesaurus+: ↑Forms of money and methods of paymentnoun (LEADER) B1 [C] someone in charge of or leading an organization, group, etc.: » the head of the History department» the head chefThesaurus+: ↑People in charge of or controlling other people , ↑Bosses, managers and directorsThesaurus+: ↑Bosses, managers and directors , ↑People in charge of or controlling other peopleA2 [C] MAINLY UK a HEADTEACHER(Cf. ↑headteacher) Thesaurus+: ↑Teachershead boy/girl MAINLY UKF0 a boy or girl who is the leader of the other prefects and often represents his or her school on formal occasions Thesaurus+: ↑Students and pupilsWord Builder:–Nouns: head, heading–Adjectives: heady, overhead–Verbs: head, behead–Adverbs: overhead• • • Extra Examples:» I think she'll be head of this company in five year's time - I'd stake my reputation on it.» May I remind you, children, that I'm the head of the family and I am in charge around here.» As the European heads of state gathered, the press were allowed in for a photo session.» The Queen is the head of the Church of England.» Janet is now a departmental head.noun (TOP PART) C2 [S] the top part or beginning of something: » the head of the queue» the head of the page» Diana, the guest of honour, sat at the head of the table (= the most important end of it).Thesaurus+: ↑Edges and extremities of objects , ↑Surfaces of objectsF0 [C] the larger end of a nail, hammer, etc. Thesaurus+: ↑Tools , ↑Gardening toolsF0 [C] the top part of a plant where a flower or leaves grow: » a head of lettuceThesaurus+: ↑Flowers - general words , ↑Flowers and flowering plantsF0 [C] the layer of white bubbles on top of beer after it has been poured Thesaurus+: ↑Beer and ciderF0 [C] the upper part of a river, where it begins Thesaurus+: ↑Parts of watercoursesF0 [C] the top part of a spot when it contains pus (= yellow liquid) Thesaurus+: ↑Skin complaints and blemishesWord Builder:–Nouns: head, heading–Adjectives: heady, overhead–Verbs: head, behead–Adverbs: overhead• • • Extra Examples:» Her name was printed at the head of the letter.» This beer's flat. It's got no head on it.» You've hit the nail right on the head.» Place the head of the club just behind the ball.» He pushed his way to the head of the queue.noun [C] (DEVICE) ► F0 the part of a tape or video recorder (= machine for recording sound or pictures) that touches the tape to record and play music, speech, etc.Thesaurus+: ↑Audio and video equipmentWord Builder:–Nouns: head, heading–Adjectives: heady, overhead–Verbs: head, behead–Adverbs: overheadnoun [C] (MIND) ► B1 the mind and mental abilities: » You need a clear head to be able to drive safely.» What put that (idea) into your head? (= What made you think that?)» I can't get that tune/that man out of my head (= I cannot stop hearing the tune in my mind/thinking about that man).» Use your head (= think more carefully)!» Harriet has a (good) head for figures (= she is very clever at calculating numbers).» UK Do you have a head for heights (= are you able to be in high places without fear)?Thesaurus+: ↑Intelligence , ↑PerceptiveWord Builder:–Nouns: head, heading–Adjectives: heady, overhead–Verbs: head, behead–Adverbs: overhead• • • Extra Examples:» Why didn't you use your head and cover the furniture before you started painting?» Add up the column of figures in your head and then tell me what the sum is.» Her words kept running through my head.» She doesn't have an original thought in her head - she just repeats anything that Sara says.» I need to get some fresh air to clear my head .verb [I + adv/prep] (GO) ↑Verb Endings for head ► B2 to go in a particular direction: » I was heading out of the room when she called me back.» We were heading towards Kumasi when our truck broke down.» He headed straight for (= went towards) the fridge.» I think we ought to head back/home (= return to where we started) now, before it gets too dark.Thesaurus+: ↑General words for movementThesaurus+: ↑Advancing and moving forwardWord Builder:–Nouns: head, heading–Adjectives: heady, overhead–Verbs: head, behead–Adverbs: overhead• • • Extra Examples:» They looked as if they were heading for the train station.» We're going to stop off in Paris for a couple of days before heading south.» The country seems to be heading towards revolution.» Head towards the station until you come to a set of traffic lights.» They headed north on the M6.verb [T] (LEADER) ↑Verb Endings for head ► B2 to be in charge of a group or organization: » She heads one of Britain's leading travel firms.» Judge Hawthorne was chosen to head the team investigating the allegations of abuse.Thesaurus+: ↑Managing and organizingWord Builder:–Nouns: head, heading–Adjectives: heady, overhead–Verbs: head, behead–Adverbs: overhead• • • Extra Examples:» The inquiry will be headed by Lord Jones, sometime editor of the 'Daily News'.» Professor Norris will head the new research unit.» He has been asked to head the official inquiry into police misconduct.» She heads the company's publicity department.» The management team is headed by Stephen Jones.verb [T] (SPORT) ↑Verb Endings for head ► F0 to hit a ball with your head: » Owen headed the ball into the back of the net.Thesaurus+: ↑Football/soccer , ↑General terms used in ball sportsWord Builder:–Nouns: head, heading–Adjectives: heady, overhead–Verbs: head, behead–Adverbs: overheadverb [T] (TOP PART) ↑Verb Endings for head ► C1 to be at the front or top of something: » The Queen's carriage headed the procession.» Jo's name headed the list of candidates.Thesaurus+: ↑Ahead, in front and beyondWord Builder:–Nouns: head, heading–Adjectives: heady, overhead–Verbs: head, behead–Adverbs: overhead |
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