单词 | 000***Labels***000 |
释义 | F0 Undeclared: English Profile level of a word, phrase or meaning. (Frequency) + \\(that\\) Followed by a 'that' clause, although the word 'that' does not have to be used. + \\(to\\) infinitive Followed by 'to' and a verb in the infinitive, but 'to' does not have to be used. + -ing verb Followed by the 'ing' form of a verb. + adj Followed by an adjective. + adv/prep Followed by an adverb or preposition. + adverb Followed by an adverb. + adverb or preposition A verb that must be followed by an adverb or preposition. + infinitive without to 1) A verb followed by the infinitive without to. 2) Followed by a verb in the infinitive without 'to'. + not or so A verb followed immediately by not or so where these replace a clause. + noun Followed by a noun. + noun/adj Followed by a noun or an adjective. + obj + (that) Verb with object followed by 'that' clause, with or without the word 'that'. + obj + -ing verb A verb with an object followed by the 'ing' form of a verb. + obj + adj A verb with an object followed by an adjective + obj + infinitive without to A verb with an object followed by a verb in the infinitive without 'to'. + obj + noun + object + noun A verb with an object followed by a noun. + obj + noun/adj A verb with an object followed by a noun or an adjective. + obj + past participle + object + past participle A verb with an object followed by a past participle. + obj + prep A verb with an object followed by a preposition. + obj + question word + object + wh- word A verb with an object followed by a question word. + obj + to infinitive A verb with an object followed by 'to' and a verb in the infinitive. + object + adjective A verb with an object followed by an adjective. + object + as noun or adjective A verb with an object followed by as and a noun or an adjective. + object + infinitive without to A verb with an object followed by an infinitive without to. + object + noun or adjective A verb with an object followed by a noun or adjective. + object + that clause A verb with an object followed by a that clause. + object + to be noun or adjective A verb with an object followed by to be and a noun or an adjective. + object + to infinitive A verb with an object followed by an infinitive with to. + object + v-ing A verb with an object followed by the -ing form of a verb. + past participle Followed by a past participle such as 'seen' or 'known'. + prep Followed by a preposition. + question word Followed by a question word, such as 'what', 'which', 'who', etc. + sing/pl verb A noun that refers to a group and can be used with either a singular or a plural verb. + singular or plural verb A noun that refers to a group of people acting collectively. When used in the singular it can be followed by either a singular or a plural verb. + speech A verb used with direct speech. + that Followed by a clause beginning with 'that'. + that clause 1) A verb followed by a clause beginning with that. 2) A word or phrase followed by a clause beginning with that. + to infinitive 1) A verb followed by the infinitive with to. 2) A word or phrase followed by the infinitive with to. 3) Followed by 'to' and a verb in the infinitive. + two objects 1) A verb that has a direct and indirect object. 2) A verb that has two objects. + v-ing 1) A verb followed by the -ing form of the verb. 2) A word or phrase followed by the -ing form of the verb. + wh- word 1) A verb followed by a question word. 2) A word or phrase followed by a question word. A Basic User A1 Breakthrough or beginner A2 Waystage or elementary B Independent User B1 Threshold or intermediate B2 Vantage or upper intermediate C 1) Countable noun: a noun that has a plural. 2) Countable noun: a noun that has both singular and plural forms. 3) Proficient User C1 Effective Operational Proficiency or advanced C2 Mastery or proficiency Cf. cf. confer, ‘compare’ Dated Dated I Intransitive verb: a verb that has no object. L 1) Linking verb: an intransitive verb that is followed by a noun or adjective that refers back to the subject of the sentence. 2) Linking verb: intransitive verb followed by noun/adj that refers to the verb subject. L only + adjective A linking verb only followed by an adjective. L only + noun A linking verb only followed by a noun. Law legal Describes specialized words and phrases used by lawyers and in the subject of law. M 1) A phrasal verb in which the adverb or preposition can go before or after the object. 2) A phrasal verb which can be separated (where the adverb can go before or after the object). (not verbs like "look after" which cannot be separated) S Singular noun: a noun only used in singular form and which has no plural form. SL Structure and Layout T Transitive verb: a verb that has an object. T;I + prep A transitive verb which can be used as an intransitive verb when followed by a preposition. U 1) Uncountable noun: noun with no plural form. Cannot be used with 'a', 'an', or 'one'. 2) Uncountable or singular noun: a noun that has no plural. UK British English US American English \\[+ adverb or preposition\\] A verb that must be followed by an adverb or preposition. \\[+ infinitive without to\\] A verb followed by the infinitive without to. \\[+ not or so\\] A verb followed immediately by not or so where these replace a clause. \\[+ object + adjective\\] A verb with an object followed by an adjective. \\[+ object + as noun or adjective\\] A verb with an object followed by as and a noun or an adjective. \\[+ object + infinitive without to\\] A verb with an object followed by an infinitive without to. \\[+ object + noun or adjective\\] A verb with an object followed by a noun or adjective. \\[+ object + noun\\] A verb with an object followed by a noun. \\[+ object + past participle\\] A verb with an object followed by a past participle. \\[+ object + that clause\\] A verb with an object followed by a that clause. \\[+ object + to be noun or adjective\\] A verb with an object followed by to be and a noun or an adjective. \\[+ object + to infinitive\\] A verb with an object followed by an infinitive with to. \\[+ object + v-ing\\] A verb with an object followed by the -ing form of a verb. \\[+ object + wh- word\\] A verb with an object followed by a question word. \\[+ singular or plural verb\\] A noun that refers to a group of people acting collectively. When used in the singular it can be followed by either a singular or a plural verb. \\[+ speech\\] A verb used with direct speech. \\[+ that clause\\] 1) A verb followed by a clause beginning with that. 2) A word or phrase followed by a clause beginning with that. \\[+ to infinitive\\] 1) A verb followed by the infinitive with to. 2) A word or phrase followed by the infinitive with to. \\[+ two objects\\] A verb that has a direct and indirect object. \\[+ v-ing\\] 1) A verb followed by the -ing form of the verb. 2) A word or phrase followed by the -ing form of the verb. \\[+ wh- word\\] 1) A verb followed by a question word. 2) A word or phrase followed by a question word. \\[C\\] Countable noun: a noun that has a plural. \\[I\\] Intransitive verb: a verb that has no object. \\[L only + adjective\\] A linking verb only followed by an adjective. \\[L only + noun\\] A linking verb only followed by a noun. \\[L\\] Linking verb: an intransitive verb that is followed by a noun or adjective that refers back to the subject of the sentence. \\[M\\] A phrasal verb which can be separated (where the adverb can go before or after the object). (not verbs like "look after" which cannot be separated) \\[T;I + prep\\] A transitive verb which can be used as an intransitive verb when followed by a preposition. \\[T\\] Transitive verb: a verb that has an object. \\[U\\] Uncountable or singular noun: a noun that has no plural. \\[after noun\\] An adjective that only follows a noun. \\[after verb\\] An adjective that only follows a verb. \\[before adverb or preposition\\] An adverb that goes immediately before a preposition or an adverb. \\[before noun\\] An adjective that only goes before a noun. \\[not gradable\\] 1) An adjective that has no comparative or superlative form. 2) An adverb that has no comparative or superlative form. \\[usually passive\\] A verb usually used in the passive. \\[usually plural\\] A noun usually used in the plural. \\[usually singular\\] A countable noun usually used in the singular. abbreviation A short form of a word or phrase. adj adjective adjective A word that describes a noun or pronoun. adverb 1) A word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective or other adverb. 2) A word that gives information about a verb, adjective, another adverb or a sentence. aep American English pronunciation after noun 1) An adjective that is always used directly after a noun. 2) An adjective that only follows a noun. after verb 1) An adjective or adverb used after verbs such as 'be', 'seem' and 'feel'. 2) An adjective that only follows a verb. always passive often passive passive In a passive verb/sentence, the subject does not do the action but is affected by it. approving Used in a positive way, to show that you have a good opinion of someone or something. as a form of address A word or phrase such as Mr or dear used to address someone. as form of address A word or phrase such as 'Mr' or 'dear' used when speaking to someone. auxiliary verb 1) The verbs 'be' 'have' and 'do' when combined with other verbs to make different forms. 2) The verbs be, have and do, which combine with other verbs to make different forms like passives, questions and the continuous. Also modal verbs (eg must and can), which add meaning such as certainty and obligation. before adverb or preposition An adverb that goes immediately before a preposition or an adverb. before noun 1) An adjective that always comes before a noun. 2) An adjective that only goes before a noun. conjunction 1) A word such as and or although used to link two parts of a sentence. 2) A word used to join parts of a phrase or sentence. determiner 1) A word such as the or this used before a noun to show which particular example of a noun is being referred to. 2) Word used before noun or adj to show which person or thing is being referred to. disapproving Used in a negative way, to show that you have a bad opinion of someone or something. esp. especially exclamation 1) A word or expression such as damn! or oh dear! used to express strong feelings. 2) A word or phrase that you say loudly or suddenly to express strong feelings. female Only applies to women. figurative If a word or phrase is used figuratively, it gives a picture of what sth is like. formal Used in serious writing, or for communicating with people in a serious or polite way. humorous Intended to make people laugh or smile. informal Used in relaxed situations, for example with friends and family. Used more in speech. literary Used in books and poems, and not in ordinary conversation. lu. Lexical unit: a way in which this word is used with one one or more other words or types of words male Only applies to men. modal verb Verb such as can, might, must. With another verb, shows an idea such as possibility. never passive A verb which is never used in the passive. not after the A noun that cannot be used with 'the'. not continuous Describes a verb which is never used in the continuous (progressive) tense. not gradable 1) An adjective that has no comparative or superlative form. 2) An adverb that has no comparative or superlative form. not in past tenses Describes a verb which is never used in the past tenses. not standard Words that are grammatically incorrect but used in very informal spoken English. noun 1) A word that refers to a person, place or thing. 2) A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing. noun or exclamation noun or exclamation number number offensive Describes words or phrases that may offend some people. often plural Refers to more than one person or thing. often singular singular A countable noun usually used in the singular form. old use Used before the 20th century but now rare. old-fashioned Words or phrases that sound old-fashioned, not modern. ordinal number ordinal number past participle The past participle of the verb (eat ate eaten). past simple The past simple form of the verb (eat ate eaten). phrasal verb 1) A verb followed by an adverb or a preposition. 2) Verb with an adverb or preposition, with meaning different from meaning of its parts. plural 1) Refers to more than one person or thing. 2) The plural form of a noun. plural noun A noun that can only be used in the plural. polite expression polite word Describes words or phrases used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word. predeterminer 1) A word such as both or all used before other determiners. 2) A word used before a determiner. prefix 1) A letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to make a new word. 2) A letter or group of letters such as un-, pre- or anti- added to the beginning of a word to make a new word. preposition Word used before noun, pronoun or -ing form of verb to show place, direction, etc. pronoun 1) A word such as it, or mine used to replace a noun. 2) A word used instead of a noun, which has usually already been talked about. pronoun plural of pronoun plural of saying A short, well-known statement that expresses something people think is true about life. short form Shortened form of word/word combination. Often replaces full form in spoken English. slang Describes very informal language, sometimes offensive, used by members of a group. specialized Used in connection with a particular area of work or study. strong The pronunciation used when emphasizing this word. suffix 1) A letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to make a new word. 2) A letter or group of letters such as -less or -ment added to the end of a word to make a new word. symbol A sign, shape or object used to represent something else. trademark Shows the name of a product made by a particular company. usually passive A verb usually used in the passive. usually plural A noun usually used in the plural. usually singular A countable noun usually used in the singular. verb 1) A word that describes an action, condition or experience. 2) A word that describes an action, state or experience. weak The pronunciation usually used in speech. written abbreviation A short form of a word or phrase only used in writing × times ♯ a group of words which are often used together. |
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