

单词 ↑Useless and futile
释义 ↑Useless and futile
Useless and futile
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 4 SL ↑♯ Useless and futile (128) in total
    1. a mug's game UK INFORMAL ↑a mug's game
    2. adrift adjective [after verb] ↑adrift
    3. aimless adjective MAINLY DISAPPROVING ↑aimless
    4. be (living) in a dream world DISAPPROVING ↑be (living) in a dream world
    5. be (strictly) for the birds INFORMAL ↑be (strictly) for the birds
    6. be at a loose end INFORMAL ↑be at a loose end
    7. be chasing your tail ↑be chasing your tail
    8. be lost on sb ↑be lost on sb
    9. be past your sell-by date ↑be past your sell-by date
    10. desultory adjective FORMAL ↑desultory
    11. directionless adjective ↑directionless
    12. dud adjective INFORMAL ↑dud
    13. empty adjective (WITHOUT PURPOSE) ↑empty
    14. expendable adjective ↑expendable
    15. feeble adjective ↑feeble
    16. flabby adjective (WEAK) ↑flabby
    17. flaccid adjective ↑flaccid
    18. for the hell of it INFORMAL ↑for the hell of it
    19. frivolous adjective ↑frivolous
    20. fruitless adjective ↑fruitless
    21. futile adjective ↑futile
    22. hopeless adjective ↑hopeless
    23. idle adjective [before noun] (NO PURPOSE) ↑idle
    24. impractical adjective ↑impractical :: 3 × Useless and futile
    25. inane adjective ↑inane
    26. ineffective adjective ↑ineffective
    27. ineffectual adjective FORMAL ↑ineffectual
    28. inefficient adjective ↑inefficient
    29. inexpedient adjective [+ to infinitive] FORMAL ↑inexpedient
    30. it's more than my job's worth ↑it's more than my job's worth
    31. meaningless adjective (NO MEANING) ↑meaningless
    32. mess with sth MAINLY USphrasal verb with mess verb ↑mess with sth
    33. mooch noun [S] INFORMAL ↑mooch
    34. mooch verb [I usually + adv/prep] INFORMAL (MOVE) ↑mooch
    35. moon verb [I usually + adv/prep] ↑moon
    36. motiveless adjective ↑motiveless
    37. negate verb [T] FORMAL ↑negate
    38. nugatory adjective FORMAL ↑nugatory
    39. ornamental adjective ↑ornamental
    40. otiose adjective FORMAL ↑otiose
    41. outlive your usefulness ↑outlive your usefulness
    42. pants adjective [after verb] UK SLANG ↑pants :: 2 × Rubbish and waste :: 2 × Not of good quality :: 2 × Informal words for bad
    43. pathetic adjective DISAPPROVING (UNSUCCESSFUL) ↑pathetic
    44. pitiful adjective ↑pitiful
    45. pointless adjective ↑pointless
    46. purposeless adjective ↑purposeless
    47. quixotic adjective LITERARY ↑quixotic
    48. romantic adjective ↑romantic
    49. romantic noun [C] MAINLY DISAPPROVING ↑romantic
    50. run round like a headless chicken ↑run round like a headless chicken
    51. shifting/rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic ↑shifting/rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic
    52. shuffle verb [T] (MOVE AROUND) ↑shuffle
    53. shut/close the stable/barn door after the horse has bolted ↑shut/close the stable/barn door after the horse has bolted
    54. unavailing adjective FORMAL OR LITERARY ↑unavailing
    55. unfavourable UK (US unfavorable) adjective ↑unfavourable
    56. unrealistic adjective ↑unrealistic
    57. until you are blue in the face ↑until you are blue in the face
    58. unwieldy adjective (NOT EFFECTIVE) ↑unwieldy
    59. useless adjective ↑useless
    60. vain adjective (NOT SUCCESSFUL) ↑vain
    61. vainly adverb ↑vainly
    62. water off a duck's back ↑water off a duck's back
    63. what good is ... (ALSO what's the good of ...) ↑what good is ...
    64. what's the use of...? (ALSO what use is...?) ↑what's the use of...?
    65. worthless adjective (NOT IMPORTANT) ↑worthless
    66. ˈeye ˌcandy noun [U] INFORMAL ↑eye candy
    67. ˈwindow ˌdressing noun [U] DISAPPROVING (DECEIVING) ↑window dressing
    68. ˌairy-ˈfairy adjective UK INFORMAL ↑airy-fairy
    69. ˌblind ˈalley noun [C] ↑blind alley
    70. ˌdead ˈloss noun [S] INFORMAL ↑dead loss
    71. ˌfool's ˈerrand noun [C] ↑fool's errand
    72. ˌgood-for-ˈnothing adjective [before noun] ↑good-for-nothing
    73. ˌno-ˈgood adjective [before noun] US SLANG DISAPPROVING ↑no-good
    74. ˌself-deˈfeating adjective ↑self-defeating
    75. be no good (ALSO be not any/much good) ↑be no good
    76. be no good (ALSO be not any/much good) ↑good
    77. be/mean nothing ↑be/mean nothing
    78. be/mean nothing ↑nothing
    79. for nothing ↑for nothing
    80. for nothing ↑nothing
    81. for show ↑for show
    82. for show ↑show
    83. in vain ↑in vain
    84. in vain ↑vain
    85. aimlessly adverb ↑aimless
    86. aimlessly adverb ↑aimlessly
    87. aimlessness noun [U] ↑aimless
    88. aimlessness noun [U] ↑aimlessness
    89. feebly adverb ↑feeble
    90. feebly adverb ↑feebly
    91. frivolousness noun [U] ↑frivolous
    92. frivolousness noun [U] ↑frivolousness
    93. fruitlessness noun [U] ↑fruitless
    94. fruitlessness noun [U] ↑fruitlessness
    95. futility noun [U] ↑futile
    96. futility noun [U] ↑futility
    97. inanely adverb ↑inane
    98. inanely adverb ↑inanely
    99. inanity noun [C or U] ↑inane
    100. inanity noun [C or U] ↑inanity
    101. ineffectually adverb ↑ineffectual
    102. ineffectually adverb ↑ineffectually
    103. inefficiency noun [C or U] ↑inefficiency
    104. inefficiency noun [C or U] ↑inefficient
    105. inefficiently adverb ↑inefficient
    106. inefficiently adverb ↑inefficiently
    107. meaninglessness noun [U] ↑meaningless
    108. meaninglessness noun [U] ↑meaninglessness
    109. pathetically adverb ↑pathetic
    110. pathetically adverb ↑pathetically
    111. pointlessly adverb ↑pointless
    112. pointlessly adverb ↑pointlessly
    113. pointlessness noun [U] ↑pointless
    114. pointlessness noun [U] ↑pointlessness
    115. purposelessly adverb ↑purposeless
    116. purposelessly adverb ↑purposelessly
    117. purposelessness noun [U] ↑purposeless
    118. purposelessness noun [U] ↑purposelessness
    119. unfavourably adverb ↑unfavourable
    120. unfavourably adverb ↑unfavourably
    121. unrealistically adverb ↑unrealistic
    122. unrealistically adverb ↑unrealistically
    123. uselessly adverb ↑useless
    124. uselessly adverb ↑uselessly
    125. uselessness noun [U] ↑useless
    126. uselessness noun [U] ↑uselessness
    127. worthlessness noun [U] ↑worthless
    128. worthlessness noun [U] ↑worthlessness




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