

单词 ↑Unpleasant people in general
释义 ↑Unpleasant people in general
Unpleasant people in general
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 5 SL ↑♯ Unpleasant people in general (180) in total
    1. -monger suffix MAINLY DISAPPROVING ↑-monger
    2. Nazi noun [C] ↑Nazi
    3. S.O.B. noun [C usually singular] ↑S.O.B.
    4. a dog in the manger ↑a dog in the manger
    5. a nasty piece of work INFORMAL ↑a nasty piece of work
    6. a tough/hard nut ↑a tough/hard nut
    7. a wolf in sheep's clothing ↑a wolf in sheep's clothing
    8. animal noun [C] INFORMAL (BAD PERSON) ↑animal
    9. arse-licker noun [C] UK OFFENSIVE (US ass-licker, ) ↑arse-licker
    10. arsehole noun [C] UK OFFENSIVE (US asshole) (UNPLEASANT PERSON) ↑arsehole
    11. asshole noun [C] MAINLY US ↑asshole
    12. barracuda noun [C] ↑barracuda
    13. bastard noun [C] OFFENSIVE (UNPLEASANT) ↑bastard
    14. beast noun [C] ↑beast
    15. bigot noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑bigot
    16. blackguard noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED ↑blackguard
    17. bleeder noun [C] UK OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL ↑bleeder
    18. blighter noun [C] UK OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL ↑blighter
    19. bogeyman noun [C] (ALSO bogyman, US ALSO boogeyman) ↑bogeyman
    20. boogeyman noun [C] ↑boogeyman
    21. boor noun [C] ↑boor
    22. bounder noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED ↑bounder
    23. bruiser noun [C] INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑bruiser
    24. brute noun [C] ↑brute
    25. bugger noun [C] ↑bugger :: 2 × Friendly and unfriendly terms of address
    26. busybody noun [C] INFORMAL ↑busybody
    27. cad noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED ↑cad
    28. caveman noun [C] ↑caveman
    29. chav noun [C] UK INFORMAL ↑chav
    30. crank noun [C] INFORMAL (PERSON) ↑crank
    31. creep noun INFORMAL (PERSON) ↑creep
    32. crosspatch noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL ↑crosspatch
    33. cunt noun [C] OFFENSIVE ↑cunt
    34. curmudgeon noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED ↑curmudgeon
    35. cuss noun [C] US OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL ↑cuss
    36. dag noun [C] AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH INFORMAL ↑dag
    37. devil noun (PERSON) ↑devil
    38. dictator noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑dictator
    39. dog noun [C] (PERSON) ↑dog
    40. egotist noun [C] (ALSO egoist) disapproving ↑egotist
    41. fart noun [C] OFFENSIVE (PERSON) ↑fart
    42. fascist noun [C] ↑fascist
    43. fiend noun [C] ↑fiend
    44. fink noun [C] US INFORMAL ↑fink
    45. fleabag noun [C] UK INFORMAL (PERSON/ANIMAL) ↑fleabag
    46. freeloader noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑freeloader
    47. ghoul noun [C] ↑ghoul
    48. git noun [C] UK INFORMAL ↑git
    49. grump noun [C] INFORMAL ↑grump
    50. heel noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL (PERSON) ↑heel
    51. hog noun [C] INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (PERSON) ↑hog
    52. intruder noun [C] ↑intruder
    53. leech noun [C] ↑leech
    54. leper noun [C] ↑leper
    55. lout noun [C] ↑lout
    56. make sb's skin crawl ↑make sb's skin crawl
    57. malcontent noun [C] LITERARY ↑malcontent
    58. martyr noun [C] ↑martyr
    59. meanie (ALSO meany) noun [C] CHILD'S WORD ↑meanie
    60. meany noun [C] ↑meany
    61. menace noun ↑menace :: 2 × Dangers and threats
    62. merchant noun [C] ↑merchant :: 2 × Traders, merchants and entrepreneurs :: 2 × People who sell things
    63. miser noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑miser
    64. misery noun [S] (ALSO misery guts) UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (UNHAPPY PERSON) ↑misery
    65. narcissist noun [C] ↑narcissist
    66. nosy parker noun [C] INFORMAL ↑nosy parker
    67. ogre noun [C] ↑ogre
    68. oik noun [C] UK SLANG ↑oik
    69. opportunist noun [C] USUALLY DISAPPROVING ↑opportunist
    70. pariah noun [C] ↑pariah
    71. persona non grata noun [C not after the] ↑persona non grata :: 2 × Unpleasant people in general :: 2 × Unpleasant men
    72. pig noun [C] (UNPLEASANT PERSON/THING) ↑pig
    73. pig noun [C] INFORMAL (EATS TOO MUCH) ↑pig
    74. pill noun [C] US (PERSON) ↑pill
    75. predator noun [C] ↑predator
    76. prig noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑prig
    77. prima donna noun [C usually singular] ↑prima donna
    78. psycho noun [C] INFORMAL ↑psycho
    79. public enemy number one/no. 1 ↑public enemy number one/no. 1
    80. rake noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED (MAN) ↑rake
    81. rascal noun [C] ↑rascal
    82. rat noun [C] INFORMAL (PERSON) ↑rat
    83. ratbag noun [C] MAINLY UK INFORMAL ↑ratbag
    84. reprobate noun [C] FORMAL OR HUMOROUS ↑reprobate
    85. rogue noun [C] ↑rogue
    86. rotter noun [C] MAINLY UK OLD-FASHIONED ↑rotter
    87. rough noun [C] (VIOLENT PERSON) ↑rough
    88. roughneck noun [C] ↑roughneck
    89. ruffian noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED OR HUMOROUS ↑ruffian
    90. runt noun [C] ↑runt
    91. sadist noun [C] ↑sadist
    92. scoundrel noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED OR HUMOROUS ↑scoundrel
    93. scum noun [C or U] INFORMAL (IMMORAL PERSON) ↑scum
    94. scumbag noun [C] OFFENSIVE ↑scumbag
    95. sham noun [C usually singular] DISAPPROVING ↑sham
    96. shark noun [C] INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (PERSON) ↑shark
    97. shithead noun [C] OFFENSIVE ↑shithead
    98. shyster noun [C] INFORMAL ↑shyster
    99. sleaze noun ↑sleaze
    100. sleazebag noun [C] (US ALSO sleazeball, sleaze) informal ↑sleazebag
    101. slimeball noun [C usually singular] INFORMAL ↑slimeball
    102. snot noun [C] US INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (PERSON) ↑snot
    103. sod noun (PERSON) ↑sod
    104. sorehead noun [C] US INFORMAL ↑sorehead
    105. sourpuss noun [C] INFORMAL ↑sourpuss
    106. sponger noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑sponger
    107. squirt noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED (PERSON) ↑squirt
    108. stinker noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL ↑stinker
    109. stirrer noun [C] MAINLY UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑stirrer
    110. swine noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED (PERSON) ↑swine
    111. tartar noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED DISAPPROVING (PERSON) ↑tartar
    112. the lowest of the low ↑the lowest of the low
    113. the scum of the earth INFORMAL ↑the scum of the earth
    114. toad noun [C] INFORMAL (MAN) ↑toad
    115. toerag noun [C] UK INFORMAL ↑toerag
    116. tosser noun [C] UK OFFENSIVE ↑tosser
    117. tough noun [C] (ALSO toughie) MAINLY US OR OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL ↑tough
    118. toughie noun [C] INFORMAL (PERSON) ↑toughie
    119. trash noun [U] [+ sing/pl verb] US INFORMAL (PEOPLE) ↑trash
    120. turd noun [C] OFFENSIVE ↑turd
    121. twat noun [C] UK OFFENSIVE (PERSON) ↑twat
    122. undesirables noun [plural] OFTEN HUMOROUS ↑undesirables
    123. vermin noun [plural] ↑vermin
    124. villain of the piece INFORMAL ↑villain of the piece
    125. viper noun [C] ↑viper
    126. vulture noun [C] ↑vulture
    127. wanker noun [C] UK OFFENSIVE ↑wanker
    128. wastrel noun [C] LITERARY ↑wastrel
    129. whiner noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑whiner
    130. whinger noun [C] UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑whinger
    131. whippersnapper noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED OR HUMOROUS ↑whippersnapper
    132. worm noun ↑worm :: 2 × Worms, snails, slugs and similar animals
    133. wretch noun [C] INFORMAL OR HUMOROUS (BAD PERSON) ↑wretch
    134. yahoo noun [C] INFORMAL ↑yahoo
    135. yob noun [C] (ALSO yobbo, ) UK INFORMAL ↑yob
    136. ˈbovver ˌboy noun [C] UK SLANG ↑bovver boy
    137. ˈgoody-ˌgoody noun [C] INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑goody-goody
    138. ˈhatchet ˌman noun [C usually singular] INFORMAL ↑hatchet man
    139. ˈknow-all noun [C] UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (US ˈknow-it-all) ↑know-all
    140. ˈlager ˌlout noun [C usually plural] UK INFORMAL ↑lager lout
    141. ˈlove rat noun [C] UK INFORMAL ↑love rat
    142. ˈlow ˌlife noun [U] ↑low life
    143. ˈne'er-do-well noun [C] OLD-FASHIONED ↑ne'er-do-well
    144. ˈshit ˌstirrer noun [C] OFFENSIVE ↑shit stirrer
    145. ˈslave ˌdriver noun [C] INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑slave driver
    146. ˈso-and-so noun [C] INFORMAL (UNPLEASANT PERSON) ↑so-and-so
    147. ˈwide ˌboy noun [C] UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑wide boy
    148. ˈwise guy noun [C] (US OFFENSIVE ˈwise ass) informal ↑wise guy
    149. ˌbad ˈlot noun [C usually singular] UK OLD-FASHIONED ↑bad lot
    150. ˌgood-for-ˈnothing noun [C] INFORMAL ↑good-for-nothing
    151. ˌhard ˈcase noun [C usually singular] (ALSO ˌhard ˈnut) MAINLY UK INFORMAL ↑hard case
    152. ˌhard ˈtaskmaster noun [C usually singular] ↑hard taskmaster
    153. ˌplug-ˈugly noun [C] US INFORMAL ↑plug-ugly
    154. ˌson of a ˈbitch noun [C usually singular] (ABBREVIATION S.O.B.) MAINLY US OFFENSIVE ↑son of a bitch
    155. ˌson of a ˈgun noun [C] US ↑son of a gun
    156. ˌswollen ˈhead noun [C usually singular] (US USUALLY ALSO ˌswelled ˈhead) ↑swollen head
    157. ˌtin ˈgod noun [C] (ALSO ˌlittle tin ˈgod) LITERARY DISAPPROVING ↑tin god
    158. ˌwhite ˈvan man noun [C] UK DISAPPROVING ↑white van man
    159. a snake (in the grass) ↑a snake (in the grass)
    160. a snake (in the grass) ↑snake
    161. evil genius LITERARY ↑evil genius
    162. evil genius LITERARY ↑genius
    163. horrors [plural] ↑horror
    164. horrors [plural] ↑horrors
    165. the shits [plural] OFFENSIVE ↑shit
    166. the shits [plural] OFFENSIVE ↑the shits
    167. chavvy adj ↑chav
    168. chavvy adj ↑chavvy
    169. egomaniac noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑egomania
    170. egomaniac noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑egomaniac
    171. megalomaniac noun [C] ↑megalomania
    172. megalomaniac noun [C] ↑megalomaniac
    173. scrounger noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑scrounge
    174. scrounger noun [C] DISAPPROVING ↑scrounger
    175. sycophant noun [C] ↑sycophant
    176. sycophant noun [C] ↑sycophantic
    177. tormentor noun [C] ↑torment
    178. tormentor noun [C] ↑tormentor
    179. torturer noun [C] ↑torture
    180. torturer noun [C] ↑torturer




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