

单词 ↑Starting again
释义 ↑Starting again
Starting again
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 4 SL ↑♯ Starting again (122) in total
    1. arrive verb [I] (BEGIN) ↑arrive
    2. back to square one ↑back to square one
    3. be in the first flush of ↑be in the first flush of
    4. become verb [L] (BE) ↑become
    5. begin verb [I or T] (START TO HAPPEN) ↑begin
    6. branch outphrasal verb with branch verb [I] ↑branch out
    7. break into sthphrasal verb with break verb ↑break into sth
    8. break out (START)phrasal verb with break verb ↑break out
    9. bring sth in (INTRODUCE)phrasal verb with bring verb [T] ↑bring sth in
    10. burst into song/tears/laughter ↑burst into song/tears/laughter
    11. come into play (ALSO bring sth into play) ↑come into play
    12. come on (START)phrasal verb with come verb ↑come on :: 2 × Starting and beginning :: 2 × Starting again
    13. commence verb [I or T] FORMAL ↑commence
    14. continue verb ↑continue
    15. dawn verb [I] (BEGIN) ↑dawn
    16. develop verb (START) ↑develop
    17. dip a/your toe in (the water) ↑dip a/your toe in (the water)
    18. dive in/dive into sthphrasal verb with dive verb ↑dive in/dive into sth
    19. embark on/upon sthphrasal verb with embark verb [I] FORMAL ↑embark on/upon sth
    20. enter into sth FORMALphrasal verb with enter verb ↑enter into sth
    21. enter on/upon sth FORMALphrasal verb with enter verb ↑enter on/upon sth
    22. enter verb [T] (PERIOD) ↑enter
    23. erupt verb [I] (START SUDDENLY) ↑erupt
    24. export verb ↑export
    25. fall into sth (START)phrasal verb with fall verb ↑fall into sth
    26. fall to LITERARYphrasal verb with fall verb ↑fall to
    27. from scratch ↑from scratch
    28. germinate verb [I] (IDEA) ↑germinate
    29. gestation noun [U] (IDEA) ↑gestation
    30. get (sth) off the ground ↑get (sth) off the ground
    31. get back to sthphrasal verb with get verb ↑get back to sth
    32. get cracking ↑get cracking
    33. get down to sthphrasal verb with get verb ↑get down to sth
    34. get down to business ↑get down to business
    35. get into sthphrasal verb with get verb ↑get into sth
    36. get stuck in (ALSO get stuck into sth) UK INFORMAL ↑get stuck in
    37. get the/this show on the road INFORMAL ↑get the/this show on the road
    38. get weaving UK OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL ↑get weaving
    39. get/set to work ↑get/set to work
    40. get verb (BE) ↑get
    41. get verb (REACH) ↑get
    42. get verb (START TO BE) ↑get
    43. go aheadphrasal verb with go verb ↑go ahead
    44. go back to sthphrasal verb with go verb ↑go back to sth
    45. go into sth (START)phrasal verb with go verb ↑go into sth
    46. go on (TALK AGAIN)phrasal verb with go verb ↑go on
    47. go verb [I] (START) ↑go
    48. go verb [L only + adj] (BECOME) ↑go
    49. here goes! (ALSO here goes nothing!) informal ↑here goes!
    50. hit the ground running ↑hit the ground running
    51. ignite verb ↑ignite
    52. inaugurate verb [T] ↑inaugurate
    53. incipient adjective FORMAL ↑incipient
    54. initiate verb [T] FORMAL (START) ↑initiate
    55. institute verb [T] FORMAL ↑institute
    56. introduce verb [T] (PUT INTO USE) ↑introduce
    57. kick (sth) offphrasal verb with kick verb ↑kick (sth) off
    58. kick in INFORMALphrasal verb with kick verb ↑kick in
    59. move on (NEW ACTIVITY)phrasal verb with move verb ↑move on
    60. nascent adjective FORMAL ↑nascent
    61. open verb [I or T] (BEGIN) ↑open
    62. opening adjective [before noun] ↑opening
    63. originate verb ↑originate
    64. pick (sth) upphrasal verb with pick verb ↑pick (sth) up
    65. pick up on sth (RETURN)phrasal verb with pick verb ↑pick up on sth
    66. pick up the pieces ↑pick up the pieces
    67. pick up the thread(s) ↑pick up the thread(s)
    68. pilot verb [T usually + adv/prep] MAINLY UK (INTRODUCE) ↑pilot
    69. plunge in/plunge into sthphrasal verb with plunge verb ↑plunge in/plunge into sth
    70. put/set sth in motion ↑put/set sth in motion
    71. put/set sth in train FORMAL ↑put/set sth in train
    72. recreation noun [C or U] (MAKE AGAIN) ↑recreation
    73. renew verb [T] (REPEAT) ↑renew
    74. reopen verb [I or T] ↑reopen
    75. restart verb [I or T] ↑restart
    76. resume verb FORMAL ↑resume :: 2 × Starting and beginning :: 2 × Starting again
    77. resumption noun [S or U] ↑resumption
    78. sail inphrasal verb with sail verb ↑sail in
    79. set sb off INFORMALphrasal verb with set verb ↑set sb off
    80. set sth off (CAUSE)phrasal verb with set verb ↑set sth off
    81. set about sthphrasal verb with set verb ↑set about sth
    82. set inphrasal verb with set verb ↑set in
    83. set outphrasal verb with set verb ↑set out
    84. set the wheels in motion ↑set the wheels in motion
    85. set to (WORK)phrasal verb with set verb ↑set to
    86. spark verb [T] ↑spark
    87. spring to life ↑spring to life
    88. start (sth) offphrasal verb with start verb ↑start (sth) off
    89. start on sthphrasal verb with start verb ↑start on sth
    90. start outphrasal verb with start verb ↑start out
    91. start over US (UK start afresh) — phrasal verb with start verb ↑start over
    92. start/set/get the ball rolling ↑start/set/get the ball rolling
    93. start verb (BEGIN) ↑start :: 3 × Starting and beginning :: 3 × Starting again
    94. stir verb (CAUSE EMOTION) ↑stir
    95. stirring noun [C] ↑stirring
    96. strike out (START)phrasal verb with strike verb ↑strike out
    97. swing into action ↑swing into action
    98. take sth up (START)phrasal verb with take verb ↑take sth up
    99. throw sth open (EVENT)phrasal verb with throw verb ↑throw sth open
    100. touch sth offphrasal verb with touch verb ↑touch sth off
    101. trigger verb [T] ↑trigger
    102. wade inphrasal verb with wade verb ↑wade in
    103. with the slate wiped clean ↑with the slate wiped clean
    104. ˈkick-start verb [T] (HELP) ↑kick-start
    105. come to do sth ↑come to do sth
    106. come to do sth ↑come
    107. dawn/day breaks ↑break
    108. dawn/day breaks ↑dawn/day breaks
    109. get off to a good start ↑get off to a good start
    110. get off to a good start ↑good
    111. get started ↑get started
    112. get started ↑start
    113. go off at half-cock UK (US go off ˌhalf-ˈcocked) ↑go off at half-cock
    114. go off at half-cock UK (US go off ˌhalf-ˈcocked) ↑half-cock
    115. grow to do sth ↑grow to do sth
    116. grow to do sth ↑grow
    117. start a new life (ALSO make a new life for yourself) ↑life
    118. start a new life (ALSO make a new life for yourself) ↑start a new life
    119. eruption noun [C or U] ↑erupt
    120. eruption noun [C or U] ↑eruption
    121. renewed adjective ↑renew
    122. renewed adjective ↑renewed




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