

单词 ↑Marriage, cohabitation and other relationships
释义 ↑Marriage, cohabitation and other relationships
Marriage, cohabitation and other relationships
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 5 SL ↑♯ Marriage, cohabitation and other relationships (72) in total
    1. adulteress noun [C] ↑adulteress
    2. as husband and wife ↑as husband and wife
    3. be an item INFORMAL ↑be an item
    4. be shacked up ↑be shacked up
    5. cohabit verb [I] FORMAL ↑cohabit
    6. conjugal adjective FORMAL ↑conjugal
    7. connubial adjective FORMAL ↑connubial
    8. eligible adjective ↑eligible
    9. engaged adjective (MARRIAGE) ↑engaged
    10. engagement noun [C] (MARRIAGE) ↑engagement
    11. entanglement noun ↑entanglement
    12. enˈgagement ˌring noun [C] ↑engagement ring
    13. go out (RELATIONSHIP)phrasal verb with go verb ↑go out
    14. go together INFORMAL (RELATIONSHIP)phrasal verb with go verb ↑go together
    15. go with sb INFORMALphrasal verb with go verb ↑go with sb
    16. have something going with sb INFORMAL ↑have something going with sb
    17. hear wedding bells INFORMAL ↑hear wedding bells
    18. intermarriage noun [U] ↑intermarriage
    19. involvement noun [C or U] ↑involvement
    20. liaison noun [C] FORMAL (RELATIONSHIP) ↑liaison
    21. live togetherphrasal verb with live verb ↑live together
    22. live with sbphrasal verb with live verb ↑live with sb
    23. make an honest woman (out) of sb INFORMAL HUMOROUS ↑make an honest woman (out) of sb
    24. marital adjective FORMAL ↑marital
    25. marriage noun (TWO PEOPLE) ↑marriage
    26. marriageable adjective OLD-FASHIONED ↑marriageable
    27. marry in haste, repent at leisure SAYING ↑marry in haste, repent at leisure
    28. marry money ↑marry money
    29. marry verb (MAN AND WOMAN) ↑marry
    30. matrimonial adjective FORMAL ↑matrimonial
    31. matrimony noun [U] FORMAL ↑matrimony
    32. monogamy noun [U] ↑monogamy
    33. ménage à trois noun [C] ↑ménage à trois
    34. polygamy noun [U] ↑polygamy
    35. premarital adjective [before noun] ↑premarital
    36. relationship noun [C] (FRIENDSHIP) ↑relationship
    37. remarry verb [I or T] ↑remarry
    38. see verb (MEET) ↑see
    39. shack up INFORMALphrasal verb with shack verb ↑shack up
    40. together adverb (WITH EACH OTHER) ↑together
    41. wedlock noun [U] OLD-FASHIONED OR HUMOROUS ↑wedlock
    42. ˈlove afˌfair noun ↑love affair
    43. ˈlove ˌlife noun [C] ↑love life
    44. ˈlove ˌmatch noun [C] INFORMAL ↑love match
    45. ˈlove ˌtriangle noun [C usually singular] (UK ALSO ˌˈternal ˈtriangle) ↑love triangle
    46. ˈmarriage cerˌtificate noun [C] ↑marriage certificate
    47. ˌcivil ˈpartnership noun [C or U] ↑civil partnership
    48. ˌconjugal ˈrights noun [plural] OFTEN HUMOROUS ↑conjugal rights
    49. ˌex-ˈhusband noun [C] ↑ex-husband
    50. ˌex-ˈwife noun [C] ↑ex-wife
    51. ˌmarital ˈstatus noun [U] ↑marital status
    52. ˌmarriage ˈguidance noun [U] UK (US ˈmarriage ˌcounseling) ↑marriage guidance
    53. ˌopen ˈmarriage noun [C] ↑open marriage
    54. ˌprenuptial aˈgreement noun [C] (INFORMAL prenup, ) ↑prenuptial agreement
    55. ˌserial moˈnogamy noun [U] HUMOROUS ↑serial monogamy
    56. ˌseven-year ˈitch noun [S] INFORMAL HUMOROUS ↑seven-year itch
    57. get hitched ↑get hitched
    58. get hitched ↑hitched
    59. kept woman/man ↑kept woman/man
    60. kept woman/man ↑kept
    61. marriage of convenience ↑marriage of convenience
    62. marriage of convenience ↑marriage
    63. cohabitation noun [U] ↑cohabit
    64. cohabitation noun [U] ↑cohabitation
    65. intermarry verb [I] ↑intermarriage
    66. intermarry verb [I] ↑intermarry
    67. monogamous adjective ↑monogamous
    68. monogamous adjective ↑monogamy
    69. polygamist noun [C] ↑polygamist
    70. polygamist noun [C] ↑polygamy
    71. polygamous adjective ↑polygamous
    72. polygamous adjective ↑polygamy




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