单词 | ↑Kinds of men |
释义 | ↑Kinds of men Kinds of men — Thesaurus+: LEVEL 4 SL ↑♯ Kinds of men (149) in total 1. -person suffix ⇒ ↑-person 2. -woman suffix ⇒ ↑-woman 3. MCP noun [C] ⇒ ↑MCP 4. Mac noun [as form of address] US INFORMAL (MAN) ⇒ ↑Mac 5. a bit of rough UK HUMOROUS INFORMAL ⇒ ↑a bit of rough 6. a man's man ⇒ ↑a man's man 7. adult noun [C] ⇒ ↑adult :: 2 × Men and women 8. androgynous adjective ⇒ ↑androgynous :: 2 × Kinds of women :: 2 × Kinds of men :: 2 × Gender-related attributes 9. bearish adjective (ANIMAL) ⇒ ↑bearish 10. bloke noun [C] UK INFORMAL ⇒ ↑bloke 11. blokeish (ALSO blokish) adjective UK INFORMAL ⇒ ↑blokeish 12. boyish adjective ⇒ ↑boyish 13. boys will be boys SAYING ⇒ ↑boys will be boys 14. buffer noun [C] UK OLD-FASHIONED (MAN) ⇒ ↑buffer 15. butch adjective ⇒ ↑butch 16. chap noun [C or] (ALSO chappie, chappy) UK INFORMAL OLD-FASHIONED ⇒ ↑chap 17. chappie noun [C] UK OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL ⇒ ↑chappie 18. cissy noun [C], adjective ⇒ ↑cissy 19. cove noun [C] UK OLD-FASHIONED (MAN) ⇒ ↑cove 20. coxcomb noun [C] OLD USE ⇒ ↑coxcomb 21. dandy noun [C] ⇒ ↑dandy 22. dog noun [C] (PERSON) ⇒ ↑dog 23. dude noun [C] MAINLY US SLANG ⇒ ↑dude 24. effeminate adjective DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑effeminate 25. effete adjective ⇒ ↑effete :: 2 × Weakness and vulnerability :: 2 × Kinds of women :: 2 × Kinds of men :: 2 × Gender-related attributes 26. epicene adjective FORMAL ⇒ ↑epicene 27. eunuch noun [C] ⇒ ↑eunuch 28. fella noun [C] NOT STANDARD ⇒ ↑fella 29. feller noun [C] ⇒ ↑feller 30. fellow noun [C] INFORMAL (MAN) ⇒ ↑fellow 31. fem. adjective ⇒ ↑fem. 32. female noun [C] ⇒ ↑female :: 2 × Men and women :: 2 × Kinds of women :: 2 × Kinds of men 33. feminine adjective (FEMALE) ⇒ ↑feminine 34. fop noun [C] ⇒ ↑fop 35. gaffer noun [C] INFORMAL (OLD MAN) ⇒ ↑gaffer 36. gamine adjective APPROVING ⇒ ↑gamine 37. geezer noun [C] UK INFORMAL ⇒ ↑geezer 38. gender noun (SEX) ⇒ ↑gender :: 2 × Men and women :: 2 × Kinds of women :: 2 × Kinds of men 39. gent noun ⇒ ↑gent 40. gentleman noun [C] ⇒ ↑gentleman :: 3 × Men and women :: 3 × Kinds of men 41. girlish adjective USUALLY APPROVING ⇒ ↑girlish 42. guv noun [S] UK OLD-FASHIONED SLANG ⇒ ↑guv 43. guy noun (MAN) ⇒ ↑guy 44. henpecked adjective DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑henpecked 45. homeboy noun [C] (ALSO homey) US SLANG ⇒ ↑homeboy 46. homey (ALSO homie) noun [C] US SLANG ⇒ ↑homey 47. just gay enough INFORMAL ⇒ ↑just gay enough 48. knave noun [C] OLD USE ⇒ ↑knave 49. lad noun [C] ⇒ ↑lad 50. laddie noun SCOTTISH ENGLISH ⇒ ↑laddie 51. ladylike adjective OLD-FASHIONED ⇒ ↑ladylike 52. lass noun [C] (ALSO lassie) MAINLY SCOTTISH ENGLISH OR NORTHERN ENGLISH ⇒ ↑lass 53. lug noun [C] INFORMAL (PERSON) ⇒ ↑lug 54. machismo noun [U] OFTEN DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑machismo 55. macho adjective INFORMAL MAINLY DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑macho 56. maiden noun [C] LITERARY (WOMAN) ⇒ ↑maiden 57. male noun [C] ⇒ ↑male 58. man noun (MALE) ⇒ ↑man 59. manhood noun ⇒ ↑manhood :: 3 × Kinds of women :: 3 × Kinds of men :: 2 × Men and women 60. manly adjective APPROVING ⇒ ↑manly 61. mannish adjective DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑mannish 62. masculine adjective (MALE) ⇒ ↑masculine 63. masculinity noun [U] ⇒ ↑masculinity 64. men ⇒ ↑men 65. menfolk noun [plural] OLD-FASHIONED ⇒ ↑menfolk 66. metrosexual noun [C] ⇒ ↑metrosexual 67. meˈdallion ˌman noun [C usually singular] UK HUMOROUS DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑medallion man 68. misogynist noun [C] ⇒ ↑misogynist 69. mister noun ⇒ ↑mister 70. mixed adjective ⇒ ↑mixed 71. muscleman noun [C] ⇒ ↑muscleman 72. nubile adjective ⇒ ↑nubile 73. pansy noun [C] OFFENSIVE OLD-FASHIONED (PERSON) ⇒ ↑pansy 74. peacock noun [C] ⇒ ↑peacock :: 2 × Modern and fashionable 75. phallocentric adjective FORMAL ⇒ ↑phallocentric 76. ponce noun [C] UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (MAN) ⇒ ↑ponce 77. poseur noun [C] (ALSO poser) disapproving ⇒ ↑poseur 78. rascal noun [C] ⇒ ↑rascal 79. roughneck noun [C] ⇒ ↑roughneck 80. schoolmarmish adjective DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑schoolmarmish 81. sex noun (MALE/FEMALE) ⇒ ↑sex :: 2 × Kinds of women :: 2 × Kinds of men 82. sexless adjective (MALE/FEMALE) ⇒ ↑sexless 83. sexual adjective (MALE/FEMALE) ⇒ ↑sexual 84. sexually adverb (MALE/FEMALE) ⇒ ↑sexually 85. sirrah noun OLD USE ⇒ ↑sirrah 86. sister under the skin UK ⇒ ↑sister under the skin 87. spiv noun [C] UK OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑spiv 88. strongman noun [C] ⇒ ↑strongman 89. suit noun [C often plural] INFORMAL DISAPPROVING (PERSON) ⇒ ↑suit 90. suitor noun [C] ⇒ ↑suitor 91. swish noun [C] US SLANG DISAPPROVING (LIKE A WOMAN) ⇒ ↑swish 92. swishy adjective US SLANG DISAPPROVING (LIKE A WOMAN) ⇒ ↑swishy 93. the ˈfair ˌsex noun [S, + sing/pl verb] OLD-FASHIONED OR HUMOROUS ⇒ ↑the fair sex 94. the ˈweaker ˌsex noun [S, + sing/pl verb] ⇒ ↑the weaker sex 95. the ˌopposite ˈsex noun [S, + sing/pl verb] ⇒ ↑the opposite sex 96. tootsie noun [C] (ALSO toots) MAINLY US INFORMAL (WOMAN) ⇒ ↑tootsie 97. transsexual noun [C] ⇒ ↑transsexual 98. unisex adjective ⇒ ↑unisex 99. virile adjective APPROVING (MAN) ⇒ ↑virile 100. virility noun [U] APPROVING (MAN) ⇒ ↑virility 101. woman noun ⇒ ↑woman :: 2 × Men and women :: 2 × Kinds of women :: 2 × Kinds of men 102. womanhood noun [U] ⇒ ↑womanhood :: 3 × Men and women :: 3 × Kinds of women :: 3 × Kinds of men 103. womankind noun [U] OLD-FASHIONED ⇒ ↑womankind 104. womanly adjective ⇒ ↑womanly 105. womenfolk noun [plural] OLD-FASHIONED ⇒ ↑womenfolk 106. ˈbeta ˌmale noun [C] ⇒ ↑beta male 107. ˈgood old ˌboy noun [C] INFORMAL ⇒ ↑good old boy 108. ˈgrown-up noun [C] ⇒ ↑grown-up :: 2 × Men and women 109. ˈhe-man noun [C usually singular] INFORMAL ⇒ ↑he-man 110. ˈhouse ˌhusband noun [C] ⇒ ↑house husband 111. ˈladies' ˌman noun [C usually singular] OLD-FASHIONED ⇒ ↑ladies' man 112. ˈmama's ˌboy noun [C] ⇒ ↑mama's boy 113. ˈmummy's ˌboy noun [C usually singular] DISAPPROVING UK (US ˈmama's ˌboy) ⇒ ↑mummy's boy 114. ˈsugar ˌdaddy noun [C] INFORMAL ⇒ ↑sugar daddy 115. ˌGod's ˈgift noun [U] DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑God's gift 116. ˌJack the ˈLad noun [C usually singular] UK OLD-FASHIONED ⇒ ↑Jack the Lad 117. ˌPeter ˈPan noun [U] INFORMAL HUMOROUS ⇒ ↑Peter Pan 118. ˌalpha ˈmale noun [C usually singular] ⇒ ↑alpha male 119. ˌboy ˈwonder noun [C] ⇒ ↑boy wonder 120. ˌcock of the ˈwalk noun [S] OLD-FASHIONED DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑cock of the walk 121. ˌdirty old ˈman noun [C] DISAPPROVING OR HUMOROUS ⇒ ↑dirty old man 122. ˌgender-ˈneutral adjective ⇒ ↑gender-neutral 123. ˌhis and ˈhers adjective [before noun] ⇒ ↑his and hers 124. ˌiron ˈman noun [C] US ⇒ ↑iron man 125. ˌlimp-ˈwristed adjective ⇒ ↑limp-wristed :: 2 × Relating to sexual preference 126. ˌmale ˈchauvinist noun [C] DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑male chauvinist 127. ˌnew ˈlad noun [C] UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ⇒ ↑new lad 128. ˌnew ˈman noun [C] MAINLY UK ⇒ ↑new man 129. ˌred-ˈblooded adjective ⇒ ↑red-blooded 130. a marketing, advertising, etc. man ⇒ ↑a marketing, advertising, etc. man 131. a marketing, advertising, etc. man ⇒ ↑man 132. girlie magazine, picture, etc. ⇒ ↑girlie magazine, picture, etc. 133. girlie magazine, picture, etc. ⇒ ↑girlie 134. one of the boys ⇒ ↑boy 135. one of the boys ⇒ ↑one of the boys 136. the girls B1 [plural] ⇒ ↑girl 137. the girls B1 [plural] ⇒ ↑the girls 138. androgyny noun [U] ⇒ ↑androgynous 139. androgyny noun [U] ⇒ ↑androgyny 140. boyishly adverb ⇒ ↑boyish 141. boyishly adverb ⇒ ↑boyishly 142. femininity noun [U] USUALLY APPROVING ⇒ ↑feminine 143. femininity noun [U] USUALLY APPROVING ⇒ ↑femininity 144. girlishly adverb ⇒ ↑girlish 145. girlishly adverb ⇒ ↑girlishly 146. girlishness noun [U] ⇒ ↑girlish 147. girlishness noun [U] ⇒ ↑girlishness 148. womanliness noun [U] ⇒ ↑womanliness 149. womanliness noun [U] ⇒ ↑womanly |
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