Origin: 1200-1300 Old French cocodrille, from Latin crocodilus, from Greek, lizard, crocodile, from kroke small stone + drilos worm
COLLOCATIONS►shedding crocodile tears
Democrats accused Republicans of shedding crocodile tears over the failure of the bill.
1 [countable] a large reptile that has a long body and a long mouth with sharp teeth, and lives in hot wet areas2[uncountable] the skin of this animal, used for making things such as shoes3crocodile tears if someone cries crocodile tears, he or she seems sad, sorry, or upset but does not really feel this way: Democrats accused Republicans of shedding crocodile tears over the failure of the bill. [Origin: 1200–1300 Old French cocodrille, from Latin crocodilus, from Greek, lizard, crocodile, from kroke small stone + drilos worm]