THESAURUS a time of great, usually sudden, social and political change, especially the changing of a ruler or political system by force►revolution
a time of great, usually sudden, social and political change, especially the changing of a ruler or political system by force: The Russian Revolution of 1917 removed the czar. The country was on the verge of revolution.
an organized attempt to change the government of a country using violence: The armed rebellion quickly spread across the country.
a refusal to obey a government, law, etc., or an occasion when people try to change the government of a country, sometimes with violence: Troops loyal to the president crushed the revolt.
a rebellion or revolt by ordinary people, especially one that does not last long: An uprising of ordinary citizens led to the resignation of the president.
formal an attempt by a group of people within a country to take control using force and violence: An armed insurrection led by the army overthrew the king.
formal the action of fighting against the government of your own country in a secret but organized way, especially over a long period: The government fought against a Communist insurgency for decades.
►coup d'état
formal (also coup) an action in which a group of people who have or had positions of power in a government, suddenly and violently take the leadership of the country: The president was deposed in a violent military coup.