

单词 confidence
confidenceconfidence /ˈkɑnfədəns/ ●●● S2 W2 noun Collocations 1FEELING somebody/something IS GOOD [uncountable] the feeling that you can trust someone or something to be good, work well, or produce good results: confidence in Do you have confidence in the safety of your food? Opinion polls show that voters have lost confidence in the mayor.confidence that I have every confidence that Tony’s methods will work (=believe it strongly).confidence about They are full of confidence about the future.earn/gain/win somebody’s confidence She quickly gained her teammates’ confidence. Poor sales indicate a lack of consumer confidence.2BELIEF IN YOURSELF [uncountable] the belief that you have the ability to do things well or deal with situations successfully:  You need patience and confidence to be a good teacher.confidence in I didn’t have any confidence in myself. Tom’s a good student, but he lacks confidence. Living in a foreign country gave Jessica a lot of confidence.the confidence to do something She soon developed the confidence to work alone. She enrolled in karate to help restore her confidence after the mugging. Being fired really shook his confidence.with confidence She was able to give the speech with confidence.3FEELING something IS TRUE [uncountable] the feeling that something is definite or true:  How can anyone say with confidence that the worst is over?confidence that At that time he had little confidence that God existed.4KEEP INFORMATION SECRET [uncountable] if you tell someone something in confidence, you tell him or her something and expect that he or she will not tell other people: in confidence I’m giving you this information in the strictest confidence. Elsa took me into her confidence and told me about some of the problems she was facing.5A SECRET [countable] literary a secret or a piece of information that is private or personal:  We spent the evening exchanging confidences. see also consumer confidence, vote of confidence, vote of no confidenceCOLLOCATIONS– Meaning 1verbshave confidence The people no longer have any confidence in their leaders.lose confidence Employees are losing confidence in the company.gain/win/earn somebody’s confidence As team captain, he soon won the confidence of the players.inspire/breed confidence (=make people have confidence) Our education system should inspire public confidence.instill confidence formal (=give people more confidence) Good market reports have instilled confidence in investors about the future.restore confidence (=make people have confidence again) Interest rate reductions would restore business confidence.boost/bolster confidence (=make people have more confidence) The government’s decision was intended to boost consumer confidence.damage/undermine/undercut somebody’s confidence Scandals like these undermine the public’s confidence in government.shake/rattle somebody’s confidence (=make them have less confidence) The stock market fall has shaken the confidence of investors.confidence falls/drops (also confidence declines/wanes formal) (=people become less confident) Since the election, confidence in the party has declined.confidence rises/increases (also confidence soars formal) A positive financial report made confidence in the company soar.adjectives/nouns + confidenceconsumer confidence (=that ordinary people have when the economic situation is good) Consumer confidence has fallen to its lowest point in two years.public confidence The changes should improve public confidence in the system.business confidence (=that businesses have when the economic situation is good) The region has gained 46,000 jobs and business confidence is high.investor/market confidence (=that investors have when the economic situation is good) A fall in the value of shares damages investor confidence.complete/absolute confidence A manager must be able to have complete confidence in his staff.COLLOCATIONS– Meaning 2verbshave confidence Young teenagers often don’t have a lot of confidence.lack confidence/be lacking in confidence She lacked the confidence to talk to people.lose (your) confidence He’d been out of work for six months and had lost all his confidence.give somebody confidence I had really good teachers who gave me a lot of confidence in myself.gain confidence (also grow/gain in confidence) (=become more confident) Paul did well in the job and gained a lot of confidence.boost/increase/bolster somebody’s confidence (=make someone feel more confident) One of my stories was published, which really boosted my confidence.build (up) somebody’s confidence (=gradually increase it) When you’ve had an accident, it takes a while to build up your confidence again.instill confidence (=make someone have confidence) The new coach is trying to instill confidence and a good team spirit in his players.exude confidence (=show confidence) He was smart and handsome, and exuded confidence.undermine somebody’s confidence (=gradually reduce it) His constant criticism was undermining my confidence.shake/dent somebody’s confidence (=make it less strong) A bad experience like that can shake your confidence.destroy/shatter somebody’s confidence When she failed the exam, it shattered her confidence.somebody’s confidence grows/increases Since she started her new school, her confidence has grown a lot.a confidence boost




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