

单词 companion
companioncompanion /kəmˈpænyən/ ●●○ noun [countable] Etymology Collocations 1someone you spend a lot of time with, especially a friend:  McCarthy came in first, followed by his three companions. Sandy’s doll is her constant companion (=the doll is always with her). My traveling companion was asleep.a lunch/dinner/dining companion an interesting dinner companion2one of a pair of things that go together or can be used together: companion to The book is a companion to the TV series that aired last month.companion volume/study/piece etc. a companion volume to “Traveling in Mexico”3used in the title of books that explain something about a particular subject:  the Fisherman’s Companion4someone, especially a woman, who is paid to live or travel with an older person [Origin: 1200–1300 Old French compagnon, from Late Latin companio, from Latin com- + panis bread, food]




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