Origin: 1400-1500 French certificat, from Late Latin, past participle of certificare, from Latin certus decided, certain
COLLOCATIONS►a birth/marriage/death certificate
Send in your birth certificate with your passport application.
1 an official document that states that a fact or facts are true: a birth/marriage/death certificate Send in your birth certificate with your passport application.2an official document stating that you have the required education or training to do a particular jobSYN credential: a teaching certificate3an official document stating that you have completed a short course of study: a first aid certificate4law a method used for asking the Supreme Court to examine a case that has already been heard in a lower court, and make a legal judgment on it [Origin: 1400–1500 French certificat, from Late Latin, past participle of certificare, from Latin certus decided, certain] → see alsogift certificate