► alone without help from anyone else: You don’t have to solve the problem alone – I’ll help you.
► on your own without anyone helping you: Finally, the baby started breathing on her own.
► (all) by yourself without anyone helping you: After her husband left, she raised her children by herself.
► single-handedly by one person, with no help from anyone else. You use single-handedly when someone does something difficult or impressive: He almost single-handedly made the company succeed.
► solo done alone, without anyone else helping you: Lindbergh’s solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean made him an American hero.
► independently without other people’s help or control: The children are encouraged to work independently on the projects.
► unaided formal without the help of anyone or anything: She was no longer able to climb stairs unaided.
► lone doing something alone: Jackson was the lone objector to the plan.