Origin: 1200-1300 Old French espere, from Latin sphaera, from Greek sphaira ball, sphere
COLLOCATIONS►perfect sphere
The Earth is not a perfect sphere (=it is not perfectly round).
►in the political/economic/public etc. sphere
reforms in the political sphere
1 something that has the shape of a ball: The Earth is not a perfect sphere (=it is not perfectly round).2a particular area of activity, work, knowledge, etc.: Small business is the fastest-growing sphere of the economy.in the political/economic/public etc. sphere reforms in the political sphere3math, geometry a solid object in the shape of a ball, in which every point on the surface is exactly the same distance from the center4somebody’s sphere of influence the area where a person, country, organization, etc. has power to control and change things: America’s sphere of influence [Origin: 1200–1300 Old French espere, from Latin sphaera, from Greek sphaira ball, sphere]