► wetcovered in or full of water or another liquid: He put the wet towels out to dry. Be careful, the floor is still wet.
► damp slightly wet, often in an unpleasant way: The basement was dark and damp.
► moist slightly wet in a pleasant way. Used especially about food: Cooking the meat in this way keeps it moist and tender.
► soggy unpleasantly wet and soft: My cereal got soggy.
► humid (also muggy informal) warm, slightly wet, and uncomfortable. Used about the air or the weather: It was mid-July, and the weather was warm and humid.
► soaked/soaking/drenched completely wet: His shirt was soaked with blood.
► waterlogged completely wet. Used about the ground or natural materials: The field was waterlogged and we had to cancel the game.
► saturated formal extremely wet, so that no more liquid can be taken in. Used especially in scientific language: After the rain, the ground was saturated.