► possession something that you own and keep or use yourself: They lost their home and all their personal possessions in the storm. We piled all our worldly possessions into the truck (=everything you own).
► belongings (also things informal) things you own, especially things you are carrying with you: The refugees arrived with very few belongings. I’ll put your things in the bedroom where you’ll be sleeping.
► valuables things that you own that are worth a lot of money, such as jewelry, cameras, etc.: Please do not leave any valuables in the locker room.
► property the things that someone owns, especially valuable things. Property also means land that someone owns: The police asked her to make a list of any property that was stolen. I own some property on Lake Hanson.
► effects formal the things that someone owned that are left after he or she dies: After Harding’s death, the army sent his personal effects to his parents.
► assets all the things that a company owns, including money, land, or equipment. Used in business English: The company has $6 million in assets.
► holdings land, money, stock, and other things that someone legally owns. Used in legal or business language: Later that year he increased his holdings in the company by 13%.