

单词 recession
recessionrecession /rɪˈsɛʃən/ ●○○ noun [countable] Collocations Thesaurus social studies, economics a period of time during which there is less trade, business activity, etc. than usual: in a recession There is no question that the country is in an economic recession.deep/severe recession Japan experienced a deep recession in the 1990s.go/slip/slide/fall etc. into (a) recession Interest rates were lowered to stop the country from sliding into a recession.pull/grow/dig out of a recession Attempts to pull the country out of a recession have had limited success.THESAURUSdownturna time during which business activity is reduced and economic conditions become worse:  A big rise in gas prices could lead to a downturn in the economy.slumpa period when a particular type of business slows down a lot:  The slump in the airline industry means many flight attendants will likely lose their jobs.crashan occasion when the value of stocks on a stock market falls suddenly and by a large amount, causing economic problems:  The stock market crash of 2008 wiped out the life savings of many retirees.depressiona long period, which is worse than a recession, when businesses do not buy, sell, or produce very much and many people do not have jobs:  During the depression, many young people were unable to find any work at all.




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