

单词 population
populationpopulation /ˌpɑpyəˈleɪʃən/ ●●● S3 W1 noun social studies Collocations Thesaurus 1[countable] the number of people living in a particular area, country, etc.:  The population has grown by 10% over the last 15 years.population of What is the population of Montana? Austria has a population of 7.5 million.2[countable usually singular] all of the people who live in a particular area:  Most of the Canadian population lives relatively near the U.S. border. Egypt’s Christian population faces many challenges. The 20th century saw a huge population explosion (=rapid increase in a population). see thesaurus at people13science, biology a group of animals, plants, or other living things living in a particular area, especially when they are of the same species:  There has been a rise in Kenya’s elephant population.COLLOCATIONS– Meanings 1 & 2adjectives/nouns + populationa large population California is a big state with a large population.a small population Canada has a relatively small population compared to the U.S.a growing population America’s growing population is good for the economy.a total population The country has a total population of 30 million.the entire/whole population The entire population will be celebrating.the world’s population A large proportion of the world’s population does not have enough food.the U.S./Chinese/Brazilian etc. population The German population will age considerably in the next 40 years.the local population The local population gave them a warm welcome.the general population The mentally ill are no more violent than the general population.the black/Muslim/Asian etc. population (=the people of a particular race or religion who live in a place) The Hispanic population of Texas continues to grow.the indigenous population formal (=the people who have always lived in a place) His new book assesses the impact of Spanish culture on the indigenous population of Mexico.the urban population (=the people who live in towns or cities) The region’s urban population will more than double in the next two decades.the rural population (=the people who live in the countryside) How will changes in agriculture affect the rural population?the adult population A third of the adult population pay no tax at all.the elderly population Should the entire elderly population be regularly screened for this disease?an aging population (=gradually becoming older on average) The rapidly aging population will put a strain on the country’s health care system.a student population The university has a student population of almost 5,000.a civilian population (=people who are not in the military) The rebels have carried out attacks on the civilian population.a prison population (=the number of people in prisons in a country or area) A quarter of the prison population is under 21.verbshave a population of 12 million/10 thousand etc. The island has a population of 108,000.have a large/small/diverse etc. population The city still has a small Jewish population.a population grows/increases/rises Between these years, the population grew by 40%.a population doubles/triples etc. The population of Los Angeles doubled between 1890 and 1900.a population falls/declines/decreases The population in many rural areas has continued to fall.a population reaches something They predict that the world’s population will reach 10 billion by the year 2050.population + nounspopulation growth The country has undergone a period of rapid population growth.a population increase The population increase in the region is a cause for concern.a population explosion/boom (=when the population increases quickly and by a large amount) The country’s population explosion is putting a strain on its food and water supply.population density (=the degree to which an area is filled with people) Australia’s population density is very low.a population center (=a city, town, etc. where many people live) Crime is more prevalent in the major population centers.population control (=controlling how many children people have) It is argued that population control is essential to limit the depletion of natural resources.




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