Origin: 1500-1600 Old French baterie, from batre to hit; (4) from the idea of hitting with gunfire; (1) from the idea of a group of electricity-producing cells joined together
COLLOCATIONS►change the batteries
Did you change the batteries in the flashlight?
►battery ... dead
I tried to start the car, but the battery was dead (=stopped producing electricity).
►charge/recharge a battery
It takes an hour to recharge the batteries.
a battery-powered radio
1 [countable]science, physics a set of connected electrical cells that produce an electric current by changing chemical energy into electrical energy: Did you change the batteries in the flashlight? I tried to start the car, but the battery was dead (=stopped producing electricity).charge/recharge a battery It takes an hour to recharge the batteries.battery-powered/battery-operated a battery-powered radio2[uncountable]law the crime of hitting someone: Ferguson was found guilty of battery. → see alsoassault and battery3a battery of something a group of many things of the same type: a battery of medical and psychological tests4[countable] several large guns used together: He commands a battery of artillery.5recharge your batteries informal to rest or relax in order to get back your energy