► quiet making very little or no noise: The baby’s sleeping, so we need to be quiet. The new car is very quiet.
► low a low voice or sound is quiet and deep: A low humming noise was coming from the refrigerator. “Don’t wake him up,” Ben said in a low voice.
► soft quiet in a way that is pleasant: Soft music was playing in the background. Her voice was soft and gentle.
► faint quiet and difficult to hear because it comes from a long way away: We heard the faint sound of a train in the distance.
► muffled a muffled voice or sound is difficult to hear clearly, because there is something between you and the sound: Muffled voices were coming from downstairs.
► hushed a hushed voice is deliberately quiet so that it does not annoy someone: Everyone in the library was speaking in hushed voices.
► inaudible too quiet to be heard: The sound is inaudible to human ears, but dogs can hear it.
► silent not talking or not making any sound: I was silent for a moment, wondering what to say next. She said a silent prayer.