When I’m wearing heels I’m the same height as he is.
►a height of
Sunflowers can grow to a height of 15 feet.
►in height
Some of the pyramids are over 200 feet in height.
►a height of
A small plane can fly at a height of about 10,000 feet.
►gain/lose height
The plane was rapidly losing height.
►the height of
We wanted to avoid the height of the tourist season.
►at its height
At that time, the Cold War was at its height.
►reached new heights
Jones has reached new heights in the world of music.
►takes ... to new heights
The restaurant takes the humble meatloaf to new heights.
►jumped to new heights
Stock market prices jumped to new heights Tuesday.
1HOW TALL [countable, uncountable]a)how tall someone is: Sam’s about my height. You have to be a certain height to get on some of the rides. When I’m wearing heels I’m the same height as he is.b)math the distance between the base and the top of something: Sunflowers can grow to a height of 15 feet. Some of the pyramids are over 200 feet in height.2HOW HIGH [countable] a particular distance above the ground: Raise your arms to shoulder height. A small plane can fly at a height of about 10,000 feet.gain/lose height The plane was rapidly losing height.3HIGH PLACE heights [plural]a)places that are a long way above the ground: I’m afraid of heights.b)a particular high place: the Golan Heights4MOST EXTREME TIME [singular] the part of a period of time that is the busiest, hottest, etc., or when there is the most activity: We wanted to avoid the height of the tourist season. At that time, the Cold War was at its height.5new/great/dizzy heightsa)a higher level of achievement or success than anyone has ever reached before: Jones has reached new heights in the world of music. The restaurant takes the humble meatloaf to new heights.b)a greater level or degree than anyone has ever reached before: Stock market prices jumped to new heights Tuesday.6at the height of somebody’s success/fame/powers etc. at the time when someone is most successful, famous, etc.: Kennedy was killed at the height of his political career.7be the height of fashion/stupidity/luxury etc. to be extremely fashionable, stupid, etc.: Long skirts were the height of fashion in those days.[Origin: Old English hiehthu]