Origin: 1300-1400 Old Norse hole, deep narrow valley
COLLOCATIONS►bridge the gap
This program exists to bridge the gap (=reduce the amount of difference) between environmentalists and businesses.
►fill the gap
Venezuela has increased oil production to help fill the gap in world supplies.
THESAURUSspace something can go through►hole
a space in something solid that allows light or things to pass through: These socks are full of holes.
a hole or space that lets you see or go through something: The dog got out through an opening in the fence.
an empty area between two things or two parts of something, especially where you can put something: There’s a space for that box on the shelf over there.
gap means the same as space, but you use it especially when something is broken or missing: There was a gap between the two fences that she could squeeze through.
a very narrow space between two things or two parts of something: John peeked through the crack in the door.
a long, narrow hole that you put something in: I put the letter through the mail slot.
a small hole that lets liquid or gas flow into or out of something: The mechanic found a leak in the fuel tank.
a small round hole made by something sharp, especially one that gas or liquid comes out of: Experts do not know what made the puncture in the side of the plane.
1SPACE an empty space between two objects or two parts of something, especially because something is missing: gap in a gap in the fence The sun shone through a gap in the clouds.gap between There’s a big gap between the tub and the wall.► see thesaurus at hole12DIFFERENCE a big difference between two situations, amounts, groups of people, etc.: gap between The gap between the rich and the poor is widening. This program exists to bridge the gap (=reduce the amount of difference) between environmentalists and businesses. → see alsogeneration gap3something MISSING something that is missing that stops something else from being good or complete: gap in a serious gap in medical technology There are huge gaps in my knowledge of European history. Venezuela has increased oil production to help fill the gap in world supplies.4IN TIME a period of time when nothing is happening, that exists between two other periods of time: gap in an uncomfortable gap in the conversationgap between The gaps between his visits got longer and longer.5IN A MOUNTAIN a low place between two higher parts of a mountain, often used in the names of these places: the Cumberland Gap6a gap in the market a product or service that does not exist so that there is an opportunity to develop that product or service and sell it[Origin: 1300–1400 Old Norse hole, deep narrow valley]