

单词 fail
verb | noun
failfail1 /feɪl/ ●●● S3 W1 verb Etymology Verb Table Collocations 1not succeed [intransitive] to not succeed in achieving something OPP succeed:  Peace talks between the two countries have failed.fail to do something Doctors failed to save the girl’s life.fail in He failed in his first attempt to win a seat in the State Assembly. He has tried to quit smoking and failed miserably (=been completely unsuccessful). If all else fails, you can declare bankruptcy.2not do something [intransitive] to not do what is expected, needed, or wanted: fail to do something Larry failed to submit his proposal on time.fail in somebody’s duty/responsibility Schools are failing in their duty to educate children.3TEST/COURSE a)[intransitive, transitive] to not pass a test, examination, or course OPP pass:  I failed my math test. b)[transitive] to decide that someone has not passed a test, examination, or course OPP pass:  I had no choice but to fail her.4BANK/COMPANY [intransitive] social studies, economics if a bank, company, etc. fails, it has to stop operating because of a lack of money SYN go out of business:  Many small businesses fail within their first year.5MACHINE/BODY PART [intransitive] if a part of a machine or an organ in your body fails, it stops working:  The engine failed just after the plane took off. His heart was failing.6health [intransitive] if your sight, memory, health, etc. is failing, it is becoming worse7I fail to see/understand used to show that you are annoyed by something that you do not accept or understand:  I fail to see the humor in this situation.8never fail (to do something) to do something or happen so regularly that people expect it:  His use of the term never failed to annoy her. Never fails, the light always turns red just as you get there.9your courage/nerve fails (you) if your courage, nerve, etc. fails or fails you, you suddenly do not have it when you need it:  At the last minute his courage failed him.10DISAPPOINT somebody [transitive] if you fail someone, you do not do what someone has trusted you to do SYN let somebody down:  I felt that I had failed my children by not spending more time with them. see also words fail me at word1 (37)11CROPS [intransitive] if crops fail, they do not grow or produce food:  The corn crop failed due to the drought.12RAINS [intransitive] if the rains (=a lot of rain that happens at a particular time each year) fail, they do not come when expected or it does not rain enough[Origin: 1200–1300 Old French faillir, from Latin fallere to deceive, disappoint]
verb | noun
failfail2 noun without fail a)if you do something without fail, you always do it:  Danny comes over every Sunday without fail. b)used to emphasize that someone must do something:  I want that work finished by tomorrow, without fail!




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