► poora)having very little money and not many possessions: My family was too poor to buy a computer. Crime has risen in the poorer neighborhoods.b) people who are poor: There are many charities that help the poor.
► needy (also indigent formal) very poor, and needing help from others: The program provides health care to needy families.
► broke informal not having any money for a period of time: I’m broke and I need a job.
► impoverished formal very poor: He grew up in an impoverished neighborhood in Chicago.
► deprived not having the things that are considered necessary for a comfortable or happy life: She was born in a deprived area in the inner city and is now obsessed with buying expensive things.
► underprivileged/disadvantaged poor and not having the advantages of most other people in society: The center helps underprivileged children.
► poverty-stricken extremely poor. Used especially about groups, areas, or nations: The UN is distributing food in the poverty-stricken region.
► destitute formal used to emphasize that someone has no money, no place to live, no food, etc.: The Depression left many farmers completely destitute.
► penniless written having no money: She died homeless and penniless.
► impecunious formal having very little money even to pay for basic things: As an impecunious student, she rarely bought new clothes.