

Achilles tendon Achilles’ heel a chip off the old block achlorhydria achondroplasia
achromat achromatic achy acid acid drop
acid house acidify acid jazz acidophilic acidophilus
acidosis acid peel acid rain acid rock acid test
acidulate acidulous acinus -acious -acity
ack-ack ackee acknowledge acknowledgment a clean sheet/slate
a clean sweep aclinic line a closed book a close/near thing acme
acne acolyte aconite acorn acorn barnacle
acorn worm acoustic acoustic impedance acoustics acquaint
acquaintance acquaintance rape acquainted acquiesce acquire
acquired characteristic acquired immune deficiency syndrome acquired taste acquisition acquisitive
acquit acquittal acquittance acr- a crashing bore
acre acreage acrid acridine acriflavine
acrimonious acrimony acro- acrobat acrobatics
acromegaly acronym acrophobia acropolis across
across the board across-the-board acrostic a crying shame acrylamide
acrylic acrylic acid acrylic fibre acrylic resin ACT
act act/bill of attainder ACTH actin actin-
acting actinia actinic actinide actinium
actino- actinoid actinometer actinomorphic actinomycete
actinozoan action actionable action painting action replay
action stations activate activated carbon activated sludge active
active list active service active transport activist activity
act of God act one's age actor act out act/play the fool
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