

单词 chip

chip1/chip/ noun

a small thin flat piece, e.g. of wood or stone, cut or flaked off

a small thin flat piece, e.g. of wood or stone, cut, struck, or flaked off

a small thin slice or piece of chocolate, etc

a flaw left after a chip is removed

chiefly Brit a strip of potato fried in deep fat

NAmer, Aus = crisp2

a counter used as a token for money in gambling games

an integrated circuit or the small piece of semiconductor, esp silicon, on which it is constructed

= chip shot

in football, rugby, etc, a kick in which the ball is lifted into the air and travels over a short distance

a thin strip of wood or similar material used for weaving baskets, hats, etc

a chip off the old block

a person who resembles either of their parents

have a chip on one's shoulder

to be openly resentful or embittered

[said to have originated in an American custom of issuing a challenge by placing a chip on one's shoulder which was knocked off to accept the challenge]
have had one's chips

informal to be beaten, doomed, dead, etc

when the chips are down

when the crucial or critical point has been reached

[Middle English, of Germanic origin]

chip2verb (chipped, chipping)

verb trans

to cut or hew (something) with an edged tool

(often + off/away) to cut or break (a small piece) from something

to break off in small pieces

to cut or break a fragment from (something)

to kick or hit (a ball, pass, etc) in a short high arc

Brit to cut (potatoes) into chips

verb intrans

to break off in small pieces

to play a chip shot





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