a quantity or section of things dealt with as a unit
a rectangular area in a town enclosed by streets and usu occupied by buildings
a large rectangular piece of hard material with flat surfaces
a large building divided into separate units
a part of a building or group of buildings devoted to a particular use
a usu more or less rectangular area, e.g. in a town, enclosed by streets and usu occupied by buildings
chiefly NAmer the distance along one side of such an area
a quantity, number, or section of things dealt with as a unit
a block of seats
(used before a noun) comprising or relating to a quantity of things dealt with as a unit
a block booking
a compact usu solid piece of substantial material such as wood or stone, esp when specially shaped to serve a particular purpose, e.g. for chopping or for executions by beheading
Brit a thick pad of paper
an obstacle or blockage
a psychological factor that prevents normal functioning, reactions, etc
a wedge or other object for stopping movement, e.g. of a wheel
interruption of the normal physiological functioning of a body tissue or organ, e.g. transmission of nerve impulses
a psychological factor that prevents normal functioning, reactions, etc
an action or movement intended to obstruct or halt an opponent's manoeuvre in sports, e.g. the action of checking the progress of an opponent in American football by using the body
the metal casting that contains the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine
a wooden or metal case enclosing one or more pulleys
informal the head
a heartless, unfeeling, or unemotional person
the standard unit for allocating and transferring data on magnetic disk or tape
a piece of e.g. wood or metal with an engraved or etched design on its surface from which impressions are printed
a solid toe in a ballet shoe on which a dancer can stand on points
a ballet shoe with such a toe
= starting block
a mould or form on which articles, such as hats, are shaped or displayed
a length of railway track governed by a signal that will allow only one train to pass along it at a time
Aus, NZ
an area of land for some purpose
a plot of land in a town with a building on it
Aus, informal to become excited and irrational, e.g. through anger