

单词 bless

bless/bles/ verb trans (past tense and past part. blessed blest /blest/)

to hallow or consecrate (someone or something) by a religious rite, esp by making the sign of the cross

to invoke divine care for (someone or something)

to praise or glorify (God)

We bless Your holy name

(often + for) to speak gratefully of (somebody or something)

They blessed him for his kindness

(often + with) to confer prosperity or happiness on (someone)

(+ with) to endow (somebody) with a talent, asset, advantage, etc

She has been blessed with a beautiful voice

used in exclamations chiefly to express mild or good-humoured surprise

Bless my cotton socks, what's happened now?

archaic to protect or preserve (somebody or something)

bless you!/God bless you!

words traditionally said to somebody who has just sneezed

an exclamation of surprise, thanks, etc

Well, I'm blessed!

an exclamation of surprise

[Old English blēdsian, from blōd blood1; from the use of blood in consecration in pre-Christian rites]




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