

单词 strike

strike1/striek/ verb (past tense struck /struk/) (past part. struck NAmer stricken /ʹstrikən/)

verb trans

to hit (somebody or something) with one's hand, a weapon, etc

to inflict (something)

She struck a blow for feminism

to afflict (somebody) suddenly

He was stricken by a heart attack

to delete or cancel (something)

Her name was struck from a list

to make a mental impact on (somebody)

They were struck by its speed

How does that strike you?

to occur suddenly to (somebody)

to make and ratify (a bargain)

to indicate (the time) by sounding

The clock struck seven

to create (a particular mood, atmosphere, etc)

The speech struck a gloomy note

Trees struck roots deep into the soil

to penetrate (something) painfully

The news struck him to the heart

to send down or out

to send (something) down or out

said of light: to fall on (something)

said of a sound: to become audible to (somebody)

to put (somebody) suddenly in a particular state

The blow struck him unconscious

to take down the tents of (a camp)

to dismantle (e.g. a stage set)

to haul down (a flag)

to cause (a match) to ignite

to produce (fire) by striking

to produce (an object) by stamping

strike a medal

to assume (a pose)

to arrive at (a balance)

to discover (something, esp minerals)

strike gold

to cause (an arc) to form, e.g. between electrodes of an arc lamp

to hook (a fish) by a sharp pull on the line

said of a fish: to snatch at (bait)

to play or produce (a note, chord, etc) on keys or strings

to place (a plant cutting) in a medium for growth and rooting

to propagate (a plant) in this manner

NAmer to engage in a strike against (an employer)

verb intrans

(+ off/out) to embark on a journey, esp in a particular direction

They struck off across the field

to aim a blow

to make an attack

(often + against) to collide forcefully

said of the time: to be indicated by a clock, bell, or chime

The hour had just struck

to make known the time by sounding

The clock struck

said of a fish: to seize bait or a lure

said of a plant cutting: to take root

to withdraw one's labour in protest against an employer

strike back

to respond to an attack by attacking in return; to retaliate

strike oil

to achieve financial success

[Old English strīcan to stroke, go]


an act of hitting or colliding with something or somebody

a stoppage of work, esp by members of a trade union, in order to make a protest or to force an employer to comply with demands

a success in finding or hitting something, esp a discovery of a valuable mineral deposit

a lucky oil strike

a military air attack, esp an air attack on a target

an act of striking a ball

in baseball, a pitched ball that is not hit by the batter

in tenpin bowling, the knocking down of all ten pins with the first bowl in a frame

in cricket, the opportunity to receive the bowling by being at the appropriate wicket

a pull on a line by a fish

the direction of a horizontal line formed at the angle of intersection of an upward-sloping stratum of rock and a horizontal plane





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