

单词 square

square1/skweə/ noun

a plane figure with all four sides equal and four right angles

an open space in a town or city, usu four-sided and surrounded by buildings

NAmer a block of buildings surrounded by four streets

an area at a military barracks used for drill

formerly, a body of foot soldiers drawn up in a rectangle

a closely trimmed area at the centre of a cricket ground, any oblong strip of which may be selected as the wicket

a woman's headscarf

an arrangement of letters, numbers, etc in a square; compare magic square

any of the quadrilateral spaces marked out on a board, used for playing games

a T-shaped or L-shaped instrument used to draw, measure, or test right angles

in astrology, a 90° aspect (quarter) of a circle

the product of a number multiplied by itself

a unit of 100 square feet used to measure flooring, roofing, etc

informal, dated a person who is excessively conventional or conservative in tastes or outlook

back to/at square one

back where one started without any progress achieved

[probably connected with the squares on a game board such as snakes and ladders, in which landing on a penalty square could send the player back to the start, or ‘square one’. The phrase is sometimes attributed to the practice in early radio commentaries of notionally dividing a football pitch into eight squares as an aid to listeners’ mental reference. But ‘square one’ did not correspond in any consistent way to the beginning of the game or to any notion of failure or lack of progress in it.]
on the square

at right angles

informal fair and open; honest

out of square

not at an exact right angle

[Middle English from Old French esquare, ultimately from Latin quadra]


having four equal sides and four right angles, or approximating to this shape

forming a right angle

a square corner

at right angles

level or parallel

approximating to a cube

a square cabinet

of a shape or build suggesting strength and solidity; broad in relation to length or height

square shoulders

a square jaw

square in cross section

a square tower

used before a unit of length: denoting an area equal to that of a square whose sides are of the specified unit

a square metre

six square feet

placed after a length measurement: denoting the area of a square expanse or object whose sides are of the specified measurement

ten foot square

a table roughly three metres square

well arranged or aligned; neat and orderly

fair, honest, or straightforward

(usu all square) said of accounts: leaving no balance; settled

in a competition or game: even, tied

said of the spars of a square-rigged ship: set at right angles with the mast and keel

in cricket, relating to a fielding position at right angles to the line between the wickets and level with the batsman's or batswoman's wicket

square leg

informal, dated excessively conservative; dully conventional

said of a rhythm: simple; uncomplicated

square peg in a round hole

a person in an environment incompatible with their personality or abilities

squareness noun
squarish adj

square3verb trans

(often + off) to make (something) square or rectangular

(often + off) to mark off (a surface) into squares or rectangles

to adjust (one's shoulders) so as to present a rectangular outline suggestive of resolution or determination

to multiply (a number) by itself or raise it to the second power

Five squared is 25

to be or to adjust (something) so as to make it compatible with a standard or principle

square our actions by the opinions of others — Milton

(often + with) to be in, or bring (one thing) into agreement with (another), or reconcile them

How do astrophysicists square such discoveries with Christian belief?

to balance or settle (an account)

to even the score of (a contest)

informal to bribe (somebody) into acquiescence

verb intrans

(+ with) to match or agree precisely

square the circle

to contrive something impossible

[with reference to the insoluble mathematical problem of constructing a square that is exactly equal in area to a given circle]
squarer noun


directly; precisely

I hit the nail square on the head

in a directly challenging manner

I looked him square in the eye

informal in a straightforward or honest manner

It might have been OK if you'd acted square with me

so as to face something directly

The house stands square on to the road

transversely across a cricket pitch or football field

He hit the ball square to the right





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