

单词 spread

spread1/spred/ verb (spreading, past tense and past part. spread)

verb trans

(often + out) to open or extend (something contracted or folded)

to distribute (something) over an area

to be distributed over, or cover, an ever-widening area

to make (something) cover an area

(often + with) to cover (a surface) with an even layer of something

(often + out) to divide out (work, etc) over a period or among a number of people

to prepare (a table) for a meal

to communicate (e.g. information), or be communicated, to an ever-widening group

to extend the range or incidence of (an infectious disease, etc)

said of a locomotive, etc: to force (rails, etc) apart

verb intrans

to be distributed over, or cover, an area

The fire spread rapidly

to be communicated to more and more people

to be applicable in a thin layer

said of rails: to be forced apart by pressure or weight

spread oneself too thin

to take on too many tasks or activities, doing none of them effectively

spreadability /-ʹbiliti/ noun
spreadable adj
[Old English sprædan]


the distribution or expansion of something, or the extent of it

the distance between two points; a gap or span

a range of things

an expanse or stretch of something

the two facing pages forming an opening in a newspaper or magazine, or the matter occupying them, esp if continuous across the fold

a wide obstacle for a horse to jump

NAmer, dialect a ranch

a food product for spreading, e.g. on bread

informal a sumptuous meal; a feast

(used in combinations) a cloth cover

a bedspread

the distance between two points; a gap or span

the difference between the buying price and selling price of shares or products





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