to perceive (somebody or something) with the eyes
to look at or inspect (something)
Can I see your ticket please?
to experience or be aware of (something)
I hate to see animals mistreated
to allow something to happen to (somebody)
I won't stand by and see you bullied
to read (something)
I saw it in the paper
to watch or look at (e.g. a play, film, television programme, etc)
to imagine or foresee (something)
I can't see him objecting
(often + as) to regard (somebody or something) in a certain way
She sees me as a friend
to perceive or deduce (something)
We couldn't see the point of it
to undergo or have experience of (something)
His shoes had seen a lot of wear
said of a period of time: to be marked by (certain events or characteristics)
The next century saw a wave of revolutions
to determine or decide (something)
See if you can come
to make sure of (something)
See that you finish it today
to find (something acceptable or attractive) in somebody or something
I can't understand what he sees in her
to call on or visit (somebody)
to keep company with (somebody), esp in an amorous relationship
to grant a meeting, etc to (somebody)
The president will see you now
to accompany or escort (somebody)
I'll see you home now
to meet (a bet) in poker or equal the bet of (a player)
to have the power of sight
to perceive objects by sight
It's too dark to see
to give or pay attention
See here!
to consider something
judging as well as I can
informal goodbye
used as an introduction to a tentative opinion
to deal with or consider (a matter)
We'll see about that
to consult or visit somebody about (a job, purchase, etc)
to feel capable of doing (something)
to provide for somebody until the end of (a time of difficulty)
We've enough supplies to see us through the winter
to make sure that somebody does not suffer loss
to protect and reward e.g. a protégé
to be rid of (somebody or something)
to grasp the true nature of (somebody or something); to penetrate (a deception)
to attend to (something) or care for (somebody)
informal goodbye