a piece of furniture, e.g. a chair, stool, or bench, for sitting in or on
the part of something on which one rests when sitting
the buttocks, or the part of an item of clothing that covers the buttocks
a place for sitting
took his seat next to her
a unit of seating accommodation, or a ticket for this
a special chair, e.g. a throne, of somebody in authority, or the status symbolized by it
a right of sitting, e.g. in parliament or on an elected committee
Brit a parliamentary constituency
a place where something is established or practised
a seat of learning
a place from which authority is exercised
the seat of government
a large country mansion
a country seat
a bodily part in which a particular function, disease, etc is centred
a part at or forming the base of something
a part or surface on or in which another part or surface rests
a valve seat
posture in or a way of sitting on horseback