

单词 return

return1/riʹtuhn/ verb intrans

to go back or come back

They returned home

(+ to) to go back to something in thought, conversation, or practice

She soon returned to her old habits

(+ to) to pass back to an earlier owner

The estate returned to a distant branch of the family

formal to reply, esp sharply or angrily

verb trans

to put (something) back in a former or proper place, position, or state

He returned the book to the shelf

to give or send (something) back, esp to its owner

to state or present (a verdict)

to state (something) officially, esp in answer to a formal demand

She returned details of her income

to elect (a candidate)

to bring in (a verdict)

to bring in (e.g. a profit)

to repay (e.g. a compliment or favour)

in sport, to play (a ball or shuttlecock) hit by an opponent

in card games, esp bridge, to lead (a card or suit) in response to one's partner's earlier action

formal to say (something) in reply

She returned a pretty sharp answer

returnable adj
returner noun
[Middle English retournen from Old French retourner, from re- + tourner: see turn1]


the act or process of coming back to or from a place or condition

the act of returning something, esp to a former place, condition, or owner

(also in pl) something returned, e.g. an unsold newspaper or unwanted ticket returned for a refund

in sport, the returning of a ball or shuttlecock

Brit a ticket bought for a trip to a place and back again: compare single2 (4)

(also in pl) the profit from work, investment, or business

a financial account or formal report

(usu in pl) a report or declaration of the results of an election

the continuation, usu at a right angle, of the facade of a building or of a moulding

a means for conveying something, e.g. water or electric current, back to its starting point

= carriage return

by return (of post)

by the next post to the sender of an item received

in return

in compensation or repayment

Those to whom evil is done do evil in return — W H Auden

many happy returns (of the day)

a birthday greeting


relating to the act or process of returning

the return journey

done, delivered, or given in return

a return visit

said of a game or match: played against the same opponent or opponents as before

allowing something to return

a return valve

doubled back on itself

a return flue





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