a hole, shaft, or cavity in the ground
a mine where coal or minerals are excavated
a mine shaft
(used before a noun) relating to or used in mining
a pit pony
(often the pits) an area at the side of a motor-racing track for servicing, refuelling, and tyre changing
a natural hollow in the surface of the body
an indented scar left in the skin by a disease such as chickenpox
the bottom of an anatomical part, esp the stomach
a sunken area in a garage, workshop, etc where a mechanic can work on the underside of vehicles
the area on the floor of a stock exchange where specified commodities are traded
archaic an enclosed area where animals, esp bears, are made to fight each other
(the Pit) literary = hell
(the pits) informal the worst imaginable
Brit, informal a person's bed
(the pit) chiefly Brit the floor of a theatre auditorium, esp the area between the stalls and the stage
= orchestra pit
= pitfall (1)