

单词 mark

mark1/mahk/ noun

a spot, scratch, etcan impression on the surface of something; esp a scratch, stain, etc that spoils the appearance of a surface

something, e.g. a line, notch, etc or fixed object, designed to record position

a symbol used for identification or indication of ownership

a distinguishing characteristic

a symbol, esp a cross, made in place of a signature by a person who cannot write

a written or printed symbol, e.g. of punctuation

a sign or token

a mark of their esteem

a point or level reached or achieved

the halfway mark

a symbol or figure indicating an assessment used as a judgment of merit, e.g.esp one used by a teacher to express an estimate of a student's work or conduct

an assessment of merits; a rating

get a high mark

a trademark

(Mark) used with a number to specify a particular model of a vehicle, weapon, machine, etc

a goal or target, e.g. the jack in a game of bowls

the starting line or position in a track event

in rugby, the action of a player making a mark in the ground with the heel and shouting ‘Mark’ after catching a ball that has been kicked, knocked, or thrown forward by a member of the opposing team, after which a free kick is awarded

the mark so made

in Australian Rules football, a catch of a ball that has been kicked at least ten yards by an opponent, after which a free kick is awarded

any of the points on a sounding line for measuring depths that corresponds to a depth in whole fathoms and is distinctively marked, e.g. by a piece of leather or coloured cloth

a soft/easy mark

a potential dupe or victim

be quick/slow off the mark

to react or respond smartly or sluggishly

close to/near the mark

not far off the truth

leave its mark

to leave a trace or trauma

make one's mark

to achieve recognition or distinction

off/wide of the mark

not accurate, apt, or appropriate

of mark

literary of distinction

writers of mark

on your marks

used as a command to competitors in a race to take their starting positions

somebody's mark

somebody's level of taste or appreciation

up to the mark

(usu with a negative) reaching the desired standard

[Old English mearc boundary, frontier, sign]

mark2verb trans

to make or leave a mark on (something)

to evaluate or give a mark to (a piece of written work)

to add appropriate symbols, characters, or other marks to (e.g. a text)

to indicate or identify (something) by a mark or symbol

to register or record (something)

Mark the date in your diary

to put something inside a book so as to identify (a page)

to characterize or distinguish (something)

the flamboyance that marks her stage appearance

to be a sign of (something)

This treaty will mark the friendship between our countries

to be the occasion of (something notable)

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the organization

(usu + off) to set (something) apart or delineate by or as if by a line or boundary

to label (merchandise) so as to indicate price or quality

to designate (something or somebody) with or as if with a mark

She had been marked for greatness from an early age

to observe or take notice of (something)

You mark my words!

in a team sport, to stay close to (an opponent), esp to prevent the opponent from getting or passing the ball

in rugby or Australian Rules football, to make a mark on catching (the ball)

verb intrans

to become or make something stained, scratched, etc

mark time

to keep the time of a marching step by moving the feet alternately without advancing

to pass the time unproductively while waiting for an opportunity to progress or advance

mark you

used to draw attention to a point

He meets his death five miles from the school, not by a bullet, mark you … but by a savage blow — Conan Doyle

[Old English mearcian]


(often Mark) the former basic monetary unit of Germany, divided into 100 pfennigs (replaced by the euro in 2002)

[Old English marc, prob of Scandinavian origin]




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