

单词 lose

lose/loohz/ verb (past tense and past part. lost /lost/)

verb trans

to miss (something) from one's possession and or from its customary or expected place; to fail to find (something)

to suffer deprivation of (something); to cease to have (something), esp in an unforeseen or accidental manner

He lost his leg in an accident

to suffer loss through the death of

to fail to win (a contest or something competed for)

to suffer a defeat

to suffer loss through the death of or final separation from (somebody)

They had lost a son in the war

said of a pregnant woman: to have a miscarriage of (a baby)

to be defeated in (a conflict or contest)

to fail to gain (something competed for)

to fail to use (e.g. an opportunity); to let (a chance) slip by

to get rid of

to have less of (something)

The aircraft began to lose height

to free oneself from or be rid of (something)

He's dieting to lose some weight

to fail to perceive (something) with the senses or the mind

I lost part of what was said

to cause the loss of (something)

One careless statement lost her the election

to fail to keep or maintain (e.g. one's balance)

to fail to keep (somebody or something) in sight or in mind

I lost him in the crowd

informal to escape from or shake off (a pursuer)

to withdraw (oneself) from immediate reality

He lost himself in a book

(usu in passive) to cause the destruction or death of (something) or the death of (somebody)

said of a watch or clock: to run slow by (a specified amount)

to make a financial loss

verb intrans

to suffer a defeat

to be deprived of something of value; to fail to benefit

(often + on) to make a financial loss

said of a watch or clock: to run slow

lose face

to lose one's dignity or reputation

[from the Chinese custom of hiding the face with a fan as a sign of shame or humiliation]
lose heart

to become dispirited

lose it

informal to lose control of oneself

lose one's way

to be unable to find the correct direction to go in; to get lost

to go astray intellectually or morally

lose sight of

to fail to take into account

lose the plot

informal to lose one's sense or good judgment; to lose sight of one's aims or intentions

The project seemed to be going well, but eventually I realized I had just lost the plot

lose track of

to fail to be aware of or to follow (something)

[Middle English losen from Old English losian to perish, lose, from los destruction]




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