

单词 knot

knot1/not/ noun

a looping or interlacing of string, thread, etc pulled tight to form a fastening or lump

a tangled mass, e.g. of hair

a piece of ribbon, braid etc tied as an ornament

a sense of tight constriction, esp in the stomach

a knot in the stomach

something hard to solve

a bond of union, esp the marriage bond

a protuberant lump or swelling in tissue

the base of a woody branch enclosed in the stem from which it arises

the cross-section of the base of a branch that appears in timber as a rounded usu cross-grained area

a cluster of people or things

a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour

at a rate of knots

informal very fast

get knotted

informal used in angry or contemptuous dismissal

tie in knots/tie (somebody) in knots

to bewilder or confuse (somebody) utterly

tie the knot

to get married

knotless adj
[Old English cnotta; related to cnyttan knit1]

knot2verb (knotted, knotting)

verb trans

to tie (something) in or with a knot

to cause (something, e.g. hair) to become tangled

to cause (something, e.g. muscles) to become tense or constricted

to make (e.g. a carpet) by tying knots

verb intrans

to form a knot or knots

knotter noun

knot3noun (pl knots collectively knot)

a sandpiper with grey plumage that breeds in the Arctic and winters in temperate or warm parts of the world: Calidris canutus

[Middle English knott; earlier history unknown]




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