of a favourable or desirable character or tendency
of a high standard
agreeable; pleasant
That's a good one!
(+ for) beneficial to the health or character of (somebody)
Spinach is good for you
morally commendable; virtuous
well-behaved; obedient
(often + at) competent; skilful
suitable; fit
a good day for gardening
free from injury or disease; whole
one good arm
not rotten; fresh
said of land: bountiful; fertile
not depreciated
bad money drives out good
commercially sound
a good risk
(+ for) certain to last or live for (a specified time)
good for another year
(+ for) certain to pay or contribute (a specified sum)
(+ for) certain to elicit (a specified result)
always good for a laugh
kind; benevolent
good intentions
reputable; specif upper-class
a good family
deserving of respect; honourable
in good standing
a good Catholic
well-founded; true
good reasons
correct; conforming to a standard
good English
legally valid
good title
choice; discriminating
good taste
adequate; satisfactory
thorough; full
strong; robust
ample; full
have a good look
suitable for smart or formal wear
my good trousers
at least
a good hour later
said of a number or amount: substantial
used in expressions of greeting and farewell
good day
in due course
virtually; in effect
as good as dead
extremely well-behaved
informal very; entirely
good and ready
well done!
with honest or sincere intentions
to be successful in life
chiefly Brit to repair (something)
to provide compensation for (a loss, damage, expense, etc)
to fulfil (a promise, etc)