verb trans
to handle or touch (something) in order to examine or explore it
to perceive (something) by a physical sensation, e.g. on the skin or in the muscles
I can feel a draught
to experience (something) actively or passively; to be affected by (an emotion, reaction, etc)
He felt my anger
to be aware of (something) without direct experience or by drawing conclusions from the evidence available
I felt the presence of a stranger in the room
to believe or think (something)
It is generally felt that such action is inadvisable
(often + out) to find, ascertain, or explore (something) by cautious trial
They are feeling out the possibilities of starting their own business
to receive or be able to receive the sensation of touch
to search for something by using the sense of touch
to have or be conscious of a physical condition or state of mind
She feels much better now
to believe oneself to have a particular quality or attribute
I felt rather stupid
(+ for) to have sympathy or pity for (somebody)
He really feels for the underprivileged
to have a whim or fancy, esp a passing one, for (something)
to resemble or seem to be (something) on the evidence of touch
to make progress or explore a situation cautiously
to be well enough or fit enough to do something